Monday, January 21, 2013

Boost Your Winter Spirits ~ Winter Fitness Tips

Do you have the winter workout blues? Do you find it easy to come up with reasons to skip workouts and stay on track? It gets harder when colder weather rolls in. It gets tricky to get to the gym, to eat healthfully and to keep up your energy level.  You may notice that your mood is effected in the winter months. This is not just in your head. Research has proven that we are more likely to be depressed, down or anxious in the darker, colder winter months. That being said, its time to take action!
Try these tricks to ensure you beat the blues and keep up with your healthy living goals!

Stay Active: Beating the winter blues can be as simple as keeping up with your workout routine. Exercising promotes a good mood through chemically simulating our brain. When we exercise we produce "feel good" hormones and chemicals that boost our mood all throughout the day. Exercise also promotes weight loss, a positive self image and boosts immunity.  Exercise is also a stress reliever which aids in lowering anxiety and tension.
Strive to be active 3-5 days per week with cardiovascular exercise (at least 30-40 minutes moderate intensity).  Add in 2-3 days of toning (or combine workouts for efficiency) to promote muscle production, metabolism boosting and a leaner healthier body.

Winter Workout Ideas: When you cannot be outdoors to go for a run, walk or bike ride, find ways to be active inside.
* At Home: Design a home workout using a DVD or ask a trainer to help you develop a plan for your house. You can use everything from your living room floor to your staircase to your dining room chairs to get in a full body circuit workout!
*At The Gym: Head to the gym and pick up a group fitness class to find motivation and mix up your routine. You may try a cardio class to boost your energy level and burn calories, or a Yoga class to promote stress relief and body toning. Ask the staff at your gym or hire a trainer to help you develop a plan that will incorporate cardio and toning and give you a total workout.
*Outside (when possible): Blast calories with fun winter sports! Try cross country skiing or snow shoeing to get in an excellent cardio workout! Skating and sledding with your kids are also  great ways to enjoy the snow and burn calories! If you live somewhere without snow and ice, find ways to get out and move when the temperature allows.

Get Your Sunshine (or Supplement): Living in a cold climate and experiencing shorter daylight hours may limit your time in the sun. The energy that we receive from the sun really effects our mood.  Since the sun is an essential component to life, we need to find a way to capture its properties.
* Get out when you can: Even short intervals in the outdoors during daylight hours can help boost your vitamin D intake.
* Take your Vitamin D: Vitamin D supplements may be necessary if you are not able to get out very often. Talk to you doctor about dosage and discuss any interactions with current medications before starting a regimen.
* Therapy Lamps: There are artificial sun lamps available that will allow you to absorb the healing properties of the sun. I am not promoting a tanning bed regimen, but using small therapy lamps at the recommended levels can really boost your energy and mood. Check them out on Amazon.

Stay Hydrated:  In the warmer months it is easier to remember to drink lots of water. Our body still needs a minimum of 8 (8 ounce) glasses of H20 everyday! Keep hydrated to stay healthy and happy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 New Year - New Goals - New You

Welcome to 2013! What are you going to do this year to make sure you stay on the track to your healthy lifestyle goals? That's right, I asked what are you going to DO? It is important to set goals for yourself, but it is the DOING that gets you to the end of the race! This year write your goals down, but also write down the steps you will take to make them happen, and keep an open mind for the times when obstacles arise.

Research shows that those who write down their fitness goals are far more likely to achieve them than those who do not. So, take out a pen and paper now....
Write your top 3 fitness/healthy living goals for 2013.
Then go a step further, below each one write 1-5 steps that will help you achieve those goals.
GOAL NUMBER ONE:  To Lose 10 Pounds
** Step 1) Make a workout schedule
** Step 2) Find a workout partner to stay on track
** Step 3) Meal Plan to make healthy choices
Realistic ~ The goals that you set should be realistic. This will greatly improve your chance of success. It is great to set the bar high, but if it is not a goal that can be reached in 3,6 or 12 months - don't set unrealistic time lines for yourself.  It is also important that the goal is worked on gradually. If you are striving to lose 10 pounds, don't assume that will happen in the first 2 weeks that you start going to the gym. Many of us start off the year very eager to find success, but if we push it too hard, too fast that can lead to injury and burn out. Take it at a moderate pace. Set realistic schedules for your body and allow it to start new routines at a gradual, healthy pace. 
Overcoming Obstacles ~ There are many obstacles that come up, if you learn to work with and around these, you will find yourself reaching our goal.  You may want to have someone keep you on track. This may come in the form of a personal trainer, workout partner, friend or spouse. This person should check in with you and keep you focused when life's obstacles arise.  Keep your eye on your target and know that you may have to adjust your path along the way. Flexibility will allow you to work in a variety of ways to find your success.
Get out there and get started! Now is the time to find your true potential!
Happy New Year - Make it Fit and Fabulous