Support, Benefits & Barriers
Becoming physically active for many is a difficult journey. Ideally, we would start off slowly, develop our fitness over time and it would stick as a lifestyle. But for many, we may start off very strong, and slowly fizzle out over time. There are many reasons people want to be physically active. There are just as many barriers that we find to restrict this journey. Women’s fitness has evolved over the past few decades. It has risen above a socially abnormal trend, to something that is highly encouraged by doctors, schools, peers, family, etc. Even with so much energy in the push for a fit nation and world, there is still MUCH work to be done. This comes through education on the importance and benefits, developing a support system, as well as determining barriers and the solutions to overcoming them.
According to many current (2010/11) case studies, more than 60% of American women are still not meeting the recommended amount of physical activity. What is the recommendation? ~ The Surgeon General recommends that every healthy adult participate in 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise most days of the week (5-7days). Twenty-Five percent of women do not get any physical activity at all. Yes, these numbers have dramatically improved in the past few decades, but we can always do better. Let’s make an impact and invite some more wonderful women to this group and be active. The more we can educate, encourage and inspire ~ the better we all will be!
Building your SUPPORT System:
1) SUPPORT~INSPIRE & INVITE: It’s time to start recruiting for your team. Send a personal invite to a select (or any) group of women in your life. Invite them to join you (and us) on a mission to stay fit, healthy and fabulous! Send them the email address ( and/or Facebook Page info. Email her, tell her in person, Facebook, etc. the following women in your life (be sure to get someone from each category, but it is definitely not limited to these):
* A family member – maybe your Momma
* A Person from your Social Life
* A Co-Worker / Neighbor
* Someone you haven’t seen in a while (old friend, family member, etc).
Tell these wonderful women the benefits of working toward a healthy lifestyle and how staying connected with others on the same mission, keeps us all on track! This not only spreads the love of healthy living, but also helps you build a solid support system. The more people with similar goals that you bring around yourself, the more likely you are to stay on track. If they agree with you, be sure to let me know who you brought on board (you will get 5 Participation Points per person).
BENEFITS of Physical Activity and Living Healthfully:
One of the barriers mentioned in many studies is the inability to see the benefits of physical activity. To those of you who are already active, it may be hard to imagine that this is possible… But many women do not realize the importance and life improving benefits. There are many physical, mental, social & financial benefits. The most commonly self-reported benefits (by women) include:
Increased physical performance (beginner – elite levels)
Improved Psychological Outlook
Preventative Health
Lifestyle Enhancement
Improved Social Interaction
2) YOUR BENEFITS: Write the Top Three (or more) Benefits of being physically active, fit and healthy specific to your life. Use the included PDF file (received via email with post link) – Fill it out & hang it near your Goal Sheet (from last week’s mission). Having these benefits visible throughout the day, will inspire you to stick to your goals.
BARRIERS ~Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking down Barriers:
Barriers exist throughout life, and we can make choices when we come to them… We can decide to let them stop our path, causing us to either lose our way or establish a new route. OR they can give us momentum by inspiring us to overcome them in new ways – breaking down the barriers that keep us from our goals. The most common physical fitness barriers reported in healthy living surveys in studies of women include:
Time Constaints
Family Life
Poor Health Status
Low Socioeconomic Status
Lacking Knowledge of Fitness
Lack of Support/Motivation
Low Availability of Fitness Facilties /Lack of Access
The Hot Mommas were posed this question on our Facebook Page, the most common responses were similar to a few of the above and also included:
Climate Restrictions
Lack of Childcare
Snacking Habits
Fading of Initial Motivation
Loss of Interest
You don’t need me to tell you how to break down and eventually eliminate each of these barriers and those specific to you and your journey. Instead, we will start a discussion. The more that we each participate, the more motivated we will keep ourselves, and all of those in this group of amazing women!
3) BREAKING BARRIERS: Brainstorm your personal barriers, look back to your goal sheet last week. Determine what will be your biggest challenge(s). Post a Comment here on the blog (or on our Facebook Wall) that includes your barrier(s) (even if you mentioned them before). Then write a possible solution. Please support each other by writing ideas on overcoming those written by other Hot Mommas, as well as your personal experience at breaking them down in the past. This discussion will be ongoing throughout this upcoming week, so please check back regularly to join in on the discussion.
Continuous Support, Knowledge and Encouragement are key to the energy of our program and the achievement of our individual goals. By creating a support system, we are putting ourselves on the path of least resistance to success. We can be a beginner or a pro athlete, when it comes to working on our fitness goals, there are bound to be ups and downs. When we have a plan and support, it is wonderful to share our achievements as well as get an occasional boost from others who have walked in the same sneakers! Good Luck this week J
***Comment here that you received this Mission. THEN Comment back here once you have:
1) Enlisted Your Support Team (invited your group of women to join you)
2) Wrote Down Your Personal Benefits of Healthy Living
3) Commented or Posted your Top Barrier(s) to being Active + how you will overcome
The more you comment, the more Participation Points you earn + the more you help and inspire yourself and others!
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