Friday, March 23, 2012

Beat the Evening Snack Sabotage

Are you an evening snacker? I am the first to admit that I daydream about what delightful treat may be awaiting me down in the kitchen as I go through our children's bedtime rituals... I have to be conscious of this cool down snack craving that comes on nearly every evening. I know I am not alone, I hear others discussing this healthy day sabotage as well. This doesn't necessarily have to be a problem per se. It can be satisfied with a health option.

Here are some tricks to avoid over indulgence in the evenings. Pick one (or more) and try it for the week. You will find that you can make good nightly choices that will make all of your hard work during the day pay off. Keep in mind, I am not suggesting that you should never treat yourself to dessert. Moderation is key, and planning ahead will keep you on track.

Trick One ~ H2O
Before "snack time" have a full glass of water. Often when we have a craving for sweets, we are actually in need of some calorie free hydration. Another benefit of this trick, is satiety. Any actual hunger you are feeling will be subdued by the water consumption.

Trick Two ~ Have Healthy Snacks on the Ready
Prep fruit and veggies ahead of time. Have them ready in the fridge and this will be a desirable choice. The last thing I want to do in the evening is additional food prep, cleaning, etc. If it is already done, I am far more likely to enjoy this type of treat.  This also works for other healthy options. Have smoothie makings ready in the freezer or put almonds in the front of the snack cupboard (in front of the chips).

Trick Three ~ The Snack Cup
Designate a "Snack Cup" and only allow yourself to fill it up once. This cup should be no larger than a coffee cup and should preferably hold things from "Trick Two".  But even if you splurge and put something not-so-healthy inside, you will know there is a limit, and you will be less likely to over indulge. You may want to put a picture of healthy food or even a motivational quote on the outside to remind yourself to stay the course.

Trick Four ~ The Wrong Hand
When sitting down for the evening (at the computer, the TV, etc) we often mindlessly consume calories. Next time you sit down with your snack eat it only with your "wrong hand". This will slow down your eating, make it more mindful and cause you to think about the amount you are consuming. There have been studies on this and it has been shown that we are likely to consume less than half the calories than we would with our "right hand".

Trick Five ~ Slacker Free Snack Time
Assign a cardiovascular exercise to your calories consumed. See this previous blog post for all directions: 

This will make you think twice before going in for seconds!

Have a Fit and Fabulous Week!