Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous - MISSION TWELVE

Finding Balance
When you hear the word “Balance” what comes to mind:  Physical balance – the ability to stand upright and perform various activities? OR Mental Balance – the ability to keep yourself stress-free and on track? OR a combo of all things in Life Balance?   The truth is, there are many ways to find “balance” and this week’s Mission is about using all three of these types!

1) The first part of the goal is to work on your Physical Balance. Did you know that your balance can be improved as readily as your strength, endurance and flexibility? It just takes practice. Strive to practice simple balance testing exercises multiple times each day this week.
Try simple things like standing on one foot. Add challenge by changing your focus and moving your head (changing your equilibrium), or even closing your eyes.  Another great exercise is Tree Pose from yoga.
TREE POSE: Start with feet hip width. Lift one foot and place it above ankle or knee (depending upon skill level). Find balance on one foot by keeping spine in alignment and abdominals engaged.  Hold for 10-60 seconds. As seen in blog photo.

2) Find Mental Balance through reducing stress, getting organized and taking some time for you.  Do this by planning your week.  This may be simple as organizing your thoughts or as in-depth as workout, meal and daily work/play planning.

3) Finding Life Balance will mean different things to everyone. To me, it is the perfect combo of family time, fitness, work, play and alone time. This does not always happen, but when I strategize to get all of these things in, I find that they are all more likely to occur. Then, when I can make this balance happen, I am much happier, productive and at peace with life.  Take time to find a way to find your own life balance this week and practice it daily.

Have a great week! Be Fit and Fabulous

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