Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Find Some Yoga Style Relaxation ~ Script for the Body, Mind and Spirit

Want some Yoga Style stress relief everyday? Try this final relaxation script to find the renewing the energy that comes from calming the body, mind and spirit. 
Find yourself a comfortable position. Such as "Savasana", laying down on your yoga mat, bed or comfortable surface.  This script can be read by your spouse, your friend, your workout partner, etc.  As you get used to the words, you will be able to go through the relaxation without needing the script.

“Close your eyes and allow your body to begin to sink into the mat. Allow your palms to fall open at your sides and all of your joints to become soft.

Quiet your thoughts and turn your focus to your breathing. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your nose. Feel you chest, rib cage and belly expand with each inhale. Feel all tension and anxiety leave your body with each exhale.

Begin scanning the body for any need for release. Start at your toes – feel each one relax and allow your feet to release the weight of the day.

Move up to your legs. Your knees are soft, your calves and thighs are holding no tension, relaxed and sinking into your mat.

Imagine your hips are loose and allow your belly to move freely with each breath.

Your arms are soft and long. There is no tension in your palms. They are soft and free of any negative stress or energy.

Pull your chin inward ever so slightly to lengthen the back of your neck.  Release your jaw, allowing your lips to part gently.  Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to keep this release.

Imagine the lines of your brow and forehead melting away as all of you facial muscles relax.

Return your focus to your breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth.

Relax and Renew”

Stay in this relaxed state for at least 5 minutes. When the determined time has elapsed, then the script reader gently states:

“Begin to gently awaken your body.

Wiggle your toes and fingers a bit, bringing energy back to your body.

Sweep your arms up overhead with one inhale and back down with an exhale.

Pull your knees toward your chest and hug them in for a moment.

Slowly open your eyes and become aware of your environment.

Begin to sit up slowly.

Sit quietly as you take few energizing deep breaths, feeling revived and refreshed.

Enjoy your day.


1 comment:

  1. Having a healthy body sounds good. But this seems to difficult having a healthy bod. But thanks for providing the such information as step by step process. This help me well to get trained in Yoga. Taking stress can make effect on our mind and body so we should not take stress even try to solve problems by relaxing our mind. We can find solution easily and quickly with a calm mind. This may work well..
