Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous - MISSION EIGHTEEN

Stay Merry and Bright 
this Holiday Week
There are 3 very simple tasks this week to help with our Holiday cheer and Post-Holiday pant size! 

1) Holiday celebrations are tricky, but stay the course by combating them with some daily cardio. This does not have to be an intense workout. Just stick with your normal routine + add in a few 5-10 minute intervals on your off day / missed workout days. You don't need to beat yourself up if you can't get in all of your normal treadmill time - this is tricky with family, friends, and celebration. Just doing these intervals (simple as doing extra stairs, walking around the block a few times, etc) throughout the day will energize your body, help with the calories and keep your sanity!

2) Keep yourself MERRY by doing something that brings you Joy. Take a few moments each day to yourself to ensure you keep things on track. Good mental health will lead to a more relaxed, more enjoyable holiday.

3) Finally, keep yourself BRIGHT by drinking plenty of water (~6-8 glasses per day). As we get busy, hydration sometimes gets forgotten. Keep your skin from getting dull and flaky, your body from getting run down and your mind from getting hazy - just by simply keeping your water bottle at your side!

Have a Joyous and Healthy Holiday!