Friday, January 13, 2012

The Hot Momma Accountability Tracker

Setting fitness goals and workout schedules, gets us on the right path. But how do we keep from slipping when life gets in the way? We can easily make up reasons why  we could not get in a workout or two, but when that starts becoming the norm, we slip off completely. Many people hire a Personal Trainer to meet at the gym for guidance, or find a workout partner for companionship. The key component to both relationships is accountability. There is someone else, checking in to ensure workouts are completed and healthy steps are taken on our journey.  Even if you have one of these people in your life, there is still wiggle room, and it is easy to get off schedule a bit. That is why this mission is so important. It is the "I'm all in", "Serious about this commitment", accountability alliance!

How it Works:
You can join anytime, but for this week - you need to let me know you are "IN" by Monday (via Blog Comment, Email reply to this Link or Facebook). To take part, you need to share your goal number of workouts per seven day week. At the end of every week I will post an Accountability Tracker Notification for you to report your completion of your goal number, or your missing workouts and why. You can do so via email or Facebook. 
THEN - Here is the important part. The results will be posted for all of the Hot Mommas to see and send motivation. Those who made it will be noted and those who did not will as well. This is motivation to stay on track. There will be a whole group of active ladies encouraging you to get it done (and knowing if you did not)!

Our TELL-ALL Accountability Tracker will look like this:

The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous
Workout Accountability Tracker
Hot Momma
Goal Per Week
Success Rate
Jennifer Jens
5 Workouts
4 Workouts
1 Missed due to over-scheduling myself.
Hot Momma 2
4 Workouts
4 Workouts
On a Roll!!


Would you like to join the Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous Online Workout Group? 
Email and/or Like our Page: