Friday, November 11, 2011

The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous - MISSION THIRTEEN

Getting your Recommended 
Dose of Exercise   
 This is the 13th week of the Hot Momma’s Fit and Fabulous Fitness Group! I am so blessed to be able to work along with such amazing women on our mission to attain a healthy lifestyle.  This week is all about ensuring we are getting the recommended dose of exercise!

Did you know that there is an actual “Prescription for Exercise”?  Well, there is and it is set by the American College of Sports Medicine.   To ensure you are getting your correct dose of fitness, create your fitness schedule or continue to use the schedule you received via Mission ONE. If you would like a new one email me at  

This week’s Mission is to follow these recommendations:

1) Cardiovascular Exercise: Work this week to get in 3-5 Cardio Workouts. These workouts should be 20-40 minutes in length and should get your heart pumping to a moderate heart rate zone. If you are unsure of what that is, you can use the simple "talk test" method.  If you can talk in short bits (simple one-two word answers) you are most likely in the moderate zone. You should not be able to casually carry on an entire conversation with your workout partner, on the other end you should not be so winded that you cannot speak at all. The moderate zone falls between these two extremes.

2) Strength Training: This week you should strive to get in 2-3 Days of body toning / strength training workouts. These workouts should cover your entire body and consist of a minimum variety of 8-10 exercises each workout day.

3) Flexibility Training:  The component that is often overlooked is stretching. When in actuality this component is of utmost importance. Flexibility training should be done 3-5 days per week.  It should be done at minimum after every workout.  10 minutes of a total body stretches will be very beneficial.

You have your Rx, get out there and get started right away! 

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