Friday, October 28, 2011

The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous ~ MISSION ELEVEN

Working toward a common goal of a healthy life makes us a strong, united front of women.  Let’s take a little bit from ourselves and bring it all together to find more inspiration.  This week is about sharing your own healthy living strategies with all of the Hot Mommas!
THE FIT & FABULOUS RECIPE BLOG: I will be putting together an ongoing Healthy Recipe Blog Post made up of healthy recipes from our own Hot Mommas.  Share your favorite healthy snack or meal recipe (or link) by emailing it to me at . Be sure to give credit where credit is due – let me know who created it (if possible). We will build a great resource for us all to use, share and enjoy!

THE FIVE FABULOUS FITNESS Ws: Also this week take a moment to journal in your notebook or use the printable (attached via email) the following motivational questions that will keep you on track, pick you up when you are falling off and move others to follow in your footsteps.  Share your 5 answers if you like by commenting on this Blog post or via our Facebook Page.

1) WHO ~ Who inspires you to get fit, stay fit, be fit??
2) WHAT ~ What will you do each day that will put you on a positive track to fitness?
3) WHERE ~ Where do you find motivation to stay strong, fit and beautiful?
4) WHEN ~ When do you know you have crossed the finish line and accomplished your goals??
5) WHY ~ Why do you push to the next fitness level, goal, pant size, etc?
By sharing your ideas, experiences, tips, struggles and success; you not only inspire yourself…. You turn the heads of other Hot Mommas and help us take the first step, get back to it or push on to victory!

***Comment here that you received this Mission. THEN Comment back here once Complete! The more you comment, the more Participation Points you earn + the more you help and inspire yourself and others!

Not Yet a Member of The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group? Join TODAY! Email with your name and email address to join the fun & receive all of the downloads, info, etc!

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Friday, October 21, 2011

The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fab MISISON TEN

Find Greater Success through Challenging Your Fitness Routine
This is the week I challenge us all to take our routine to the next level. Our bodies are very adaptable and they tend to get used to the stresses that we put upon them. If we want to continue to see results we must continue to change things up and challenge ourselves.  All fitness levels need to do this in order to continue to push to the next level, but also to continue to stay on track.  If we are content to do the same routine month after month, year after year our bodies will get to a certain peak and plateau. We may never see improvement at this point, and in some cases, we may see a fitness decline.  This is often the situation for those who have rapid success and then find that things become much more difficult. Struggles with weight loss, body toning, and performance enhancement all occur when we allow our bodies to be stuck in the same exercise plan.   The general recommendation is to change your routine every 10-12 weeks.  In most cases you do not need an entirely new workout – you may just need to modify the one you already have. 
There are many ways to change things slightly to break through your plateau and find success!  You can change any one or more of the following fitness routine components…
Frequency: Just as the name of this component states – push yourself to be a more frequent exerciser. Add in an extra day of cardio or toning to your schedule.  
Intensity: This component will truly take you to the next level.  Try adding in more challenging strength training exercises.  This can be done by selecting exercises that involve multiple muscle groups, extra coordination or that require more weight/resistance.  To amp up your cardio, try doing some faster aerobic  training, interval training or speed training 2 days per week (continue to get in a total of 3-5 days of cardio).
Time:  The amount of time that is spent on each exercise can be varied to change the way your body reacts to the stress put upon it. For example, if you always perform 2 sets of 10 reps of lunges, try building it up to 3 sets of 10-12.  Another example is simply adding time to your cardio workout. Adding 10 minutes will add in more calorie blasting time, plus it will help you build endurance.
Mode: The mode is simply the type of exercise that you do. For example, try changing up your strength training/toning exercises. If you always use exercise machines or body weight, try using free weights or resistance bands.  Another example, if you always walk on the treadmill for your cardio workout, try mixing it up with a stairmaster or elliptical workout.
MISSION TEN: Take a look at your exercise schedule and determine where it could be enhanced. Once you rearrange one or more components to ensure you are on track to continued success, start your new or improved program. Report back to the Blog or Facebook Post that you have completed the Mission.
NOTE: You can still make subtle adjustments if you have recently started a new routine that will enhance your training. You don’t need to revamp everything, just find a way to challenge yourself this week!

Would you like to be an OFFICIAL member of The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group?  This is a Free Online Forum of women who share our love of fitness, struggles and success. We work together to stay on the path to a healthy lifestyle!  Email to be put on the official roster to receive updates, print outs, etc.

ALSO Follow the Fun on Facebook ~ LIKE our Page

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Fit and Fabulous Bios
These women are all members of our inspirational forum of women known as The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group. We work together to find healthy lifestyle inspiration through working on missions, sharing ideas, struggles and success! This Blog is a continual post that creates teamwork, inspiration and camaraderie.  It allows us to get to know each of the Hot Mommas personally. Many of us have a lot in common and yet we are all so beautifully unique in various ways.  Thank you to each of the wonderful ladies who have provided her lovely biography and her own motivational words.
Sarah Swann
I'm married to an amazing Air Force Officer and we're living in Tucson, Arizona for the time being.  Loving the area, but not the weather!  I have two beautiful daughters, Caylan who's 3 and Layla who's 2 months...which is why I joined The Hot weight!  I'm working out at a gym with an amazing personal trainer and I love having Jenn as an inspiration and motivator as well.
I was in the best shape of my life on my wedding day because I worked out and ate well.  I did the work.  Now, I gotta do the work again.  I probably can't get that exact body again (hello - babies), but I'm determined to get as close to it as I can.  I'm really struggling with food.  After being pregnant, it's hard to change how you eat, but I'm working on it.  I'm also extremely impatient.  I tend to get discouraged if I don't lose 10 pounds the first day.  I'm working on that too. 
A tip I have to just NEVER GIVE UP!  I've spent the past almost 9 years starting and stopping and giving up eventually.  Don't let yourself down.  You can do it!
Summer Kervin
Bio:  25 years old, wife to an US Air Force Master Sergeant, mother to a 7 month old, reside in Montana, a southern girl at heart from South Carolina, love the Lord and my family, a nursing student (on temporary hiatus since having a baby), love knitting and crocheting, Mary Kay consultant (check out my website, haha!)
Accomplishments in the past 6 weeks:  Have lost almost 10 pounds since starting the Hot Mommas group, some diet changes
Struggles:  I'm a snacker.  I love salty snacks and they've been hard to cut back on.  And I don't like eating my vegetables, haha!  And I tend to have a lazy streak in me sometimes.  If I don't feel like I have to workout, I probably won't do it.  Been trying to work this attitude out of me.
Future goals:  I still have 20 pounds I want to lose and some diet changes to make and stick to.
Motivational tips:  Get a friend/buddy/spouse to workout with you.  It's so much easier if you have someone doing it with you.  My husband (a physical training instructor) made me do an arm workout last night, haha!

Ashley Rundhaug
A little bit about me… I met my husband, Nick, almost 10 years ago.  We had our first baby girl, Lyla, last December.  I can't believe how quickly she's growing up!  I joined this group to help me get back into shape and stay on track.  I've really enjoyed the last 6 weeks.  It's been nice having weekly goals, and being accountable for them.  My biggest fitness struggle is motivating myself to actually go to the gym.  I have finally made the decision that I just need to do it, and I've been doing much better.  My goal is to go to the gym 4 times a week and to keep trying out new workouts so I don't end up in a rut.  Plus, it keeps it exciting!  I have also started keeping a gym journal where I record what I did.  It's been very rewarding looking back through and seeing all of my hard work! 
 Katie Fredrick
I am going on 30 and the mother of three beautiful boys, Carter, 3 1/2 Logan 2 and Elliot 9mo. I am an Air Force wife and we are currently stationed at Robins AFB in Georgia. I am a licensed Veterinary Technician but I haven't practiced in several years as my kids took over my career.
Fitness Goals: My goal is to get down to 21% body fat by working out consistently. I hope to build muscle in my arms and tone my lower body. I will also maintain a healthy diet focusing on higher protein intake and little to no processed grains as per the Primal diet.
Accomplishments: I successfully started the P-90X series with my husband, and started taking a dance class once a week. I also periodically go to a "friends walk"  on the base 5k trail.
Struggles: Staying focused!!! P-90x turned out to be a struggle to do after the kids were in bed. The workouts were all an hour- and hour and a half and maintaining that schedule every night and getting up with the kids in the morning was too much for me to stay motivated. Oddly I feel like having a workout buddy made it harder since I had to work with their schedule too. With the kids and my fluxing energy levels during the day I do better fitting in a workout when I can or just taking the kids for a walk in the morning, versus waiting for my husband to get home in the evening. I love the idea of my husband encouraging me and supporting my goals and vice-versa but I think having someone who has the same schedule as you is key. The water drinking was also a challenge. If I don't conciously think about it I barely drink half what I'm supposed to and it all too easy to just eat what the kids are eating instead of putting the effort in to make more than one healthy meal a day.
I'm not sure if I should be giving motivational tips since that is clearly my biggest problem. As to my future goal it is simply to make a few adjustments and get back on track!! Wiping the slate clean and moving on is the only way to stay positive and motivated. I learned a lot about what doesn't work for me, now I can come up with something more effective and continue moving towards my goals. 
Renee Humpal
This Hot Momma lives in: Shreveport, LA
My Occupation: Currently a stay at home mom and previously worked as a speech-language pathologist
One of My Fitness/Health Goals: get back to my pre-pregnancy weight
Something Special About Me: I have 2 kids: a 3 year old and an infant.
Ann Van
This hot mama currently lives in Bossier City. I am a brand new mommy that is on maternity leave from working at the Shreve-Memorial library. My fitness goal is just to be healthy and on shape. I'm not obsessed with numbers, just want to feel good and live a long and healthy life. I do have a goal of competing in either a Warrior Dash or 5k early next year. I love being a military wife and my role as a new mom, I'm also a home body and love cooking and gardening. :)
Jennifer Hooe-Rollman
This Hot Momma lives in: Mobile, AL
My Occupation: Chemist
One of My Fitness/Health Goals: lose 40 lbs
Something Special About Me: I'm a pretty good belly dancer... I hope...
Wyrene Ramirez
This Hot Momma lives in: Bossier City, LA
My Occupation: job hunting as we speak!
One of My Fitness/Health Goals: prevent hypertension and diabetes
Something Special About Me: I am a go getter.
Jessi Gilman
This Hot Momma lives on Barksdale AFB, LA.
My Occupation: Homeschooling Mom of two for now, but hope to go back to work in the education field next year. :-)
One of My Fitness/Health Goals: To loose at least 30 lbs and keep it off. I've lost 15-20 lbs in the past and then gain it back when I slack off. I need to stop the slacking off. I do best when I have a consistent workout schedule, but that isn't always possible with all the things going on around my household! LOL
Something Special About Me: I think I might like Legos more than my 7 year old! :-)
Gina Vina
This Hot Momma lives in: Carlsbad, CA
My Occupation: Full time Momma right now
One of My Fitness/Health Goals: More energy and increased strength, physically and emotionally
Something Special About Me: I am a native San Diegan
Courtney Killian
This Hot Momma lives in: Bossier City, LA
My Occupation: Stay at home mom/Zumba Instructor/AF Reservist
One of My Fitness/Health Goals: Lose the last 8 baby lbs/train & complete a Marathon on Dec. 4 (if my foot cooperates!)
Something Special About Me: I love Jesus!
If you would like to submit, edit or remove your bio + pic, add please email .
This blog will be updated as new entries are received.

Would you like to be an OFFICIAL member of The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group?  This is a Free Online Forum of women who share our love of fitness, struggles and success. We work together to stay on the path to a healthy lifestyle!  Email to be put on the official roster to receive updates, print outs, etc.

ALSO Follow the Fun on Facebook ~ LIKE our Page

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cereal Cupboard Healthy Report Card

I decided to give my Cereal Cupboard a Report Card!
I challenge you to do the same. I used Fooducate Andriod app. It is also available for iPhone on iTunes. It is FREE and gives (nearly) all barcoded food a letter grade based upon it being "real food" and its overall health status.

To Get Fooducate on your Andriod Device follow this link:

To Get it on your Apple Device follow this link:

It is only fair that you spring a pop test on your cereal cupboard.  Download the App and go there right now. See how you measure up! This App also offers healthier alternatives for poor grades (ie Extra Credit).

Here is how I measured up...

Total GPA: 3.1 (B Average)

Although not perfect, I am okay with this score. It is not going to give me an honor graduate title, but will get me across the stage on graduation day! I know it could be improved and I will look search out the healthier alternatives that will earn my cereal selection a 4.0.  I am just very glad that my husband finished off the Cocoa Puff-Brownie Crunch before I challenged my cabinet to the test! That would have been ugly... 

So add it up for yourself and see if you come out at the top of the class.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous MISSION NINE

Choosing Healthy Replacements
On the road to healthy living we are always searching for small things that we can to do keep us on track.  It is amazing to find that all of these small things actually pay off and end up helping  us to get to a positive end result.  This week I challenge us to make healthy replacements daily.  Replace bad (or not-so-healthy) actions/choices with healthy and active ones. 

The MISSION this week is to use one of the following Replacement Options every day for one week (and hopefully beyond).  You can mix it up throughout the week. Also, if you come up with a healthy replacement idea of your own, feel free to post it to our Blog or FB page.
The CALORIE ERASER Water Replacer: Replace One High Calorie Drink with Water per day! Research has proven that those who routinely replace high calorie juices, smoothies, sodas, alcoholic drinks, coffee drinks, etc with good old water tend to be healthier and have more successful weight loss.  Taking in liquid calories is one of the most common mistakes for those seeking to be fit and lose weight. Liquid calories (from sugar and fat) are sneaky and go down quickly. Most high calorie drinks are not actually replacing any calories that we eat, just complimenting them.  This is where we run into trouble. If you can replace just one of your indulgent drinks per day with an extra glass of water, you will be on the road to success.
The Commercial CALORIE BLASTER Break: Replace television commercials with a get up and move living room exercise.  Why not get in a few extra calorie burners / body toners during the commercials?? Here are a couple living room ideas – feel free to add in your own! (NOTE: be sure your body is warm before doing these. The first commercial break should be filled with some low impact cardio):
Jumping Jacks + Push ups Do 15 Jacks. Follow by 10 Push ups.  Repeat until your show is back on!  BEGINNER: Do Wall Push Ups – hands shoulder width on wall, feet walked out slightly behind body. PRO: Do one Jack, fold forward, hop your feet back and perform one push up. Repeat.
High Knees + Chair Dips Jog in place, lifting your knees high for a count of 15.  Follow by 10 Triceps Dips off the edge of a chair. Hands on the edge of a sturdy chair. Elbows point back, hips lower down and the backs of your arms (triceps) press you back up.  Repeat! Beginner:  Move body down slowly while supporting your weight with your legs.  PRO: Walk your feet further out from your body.  OR cross one foot over the opposite knee for more resistance.
The Snack Attack HEALTHY Replacement: Replace an unhealthy snack with an energy boosting, healthy choice. Snacking is a good thing for a strong metabolism, a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. It is just the choices and the timing of the snacks that makes all the difference in success or failure.  Replace one unhealthy (low protein, high sugar or high fat) snack with something that will boost your mood, energy level and metabolism.   Choose foods such as fruit/veggies,  low fat dairy, nuts/seeds, whole grains, etc.
Here is a great link to 100 Healthy Snacks under 200 Calories:

Have a great week ladies! Make your replacements count and you will see exactly how little changes throughout the day add up to create BIG results!

Hot Mommas: Comment Here or on the Facebook Link ~ Mission Recieved and Mission Complete.

Would you like to be an OFFICIAL member of The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group?  This is a Free Online Forum of women who share our love of fitness, struggles and success. We work together to stay on the path to a healthy lifestyle!  Email to be put on the official roster to receive updates, print outs, etc.

ALSO Follow the Fun on Facebook ~ LIKE our Page

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous MISSION EIGHT

Lower Your Stress ~ Energize Yourself
Have you ever noticed that when you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or sleep-deprived, your motivation level, focus and energy seem to be very low?? What if you discovered some stress relieving options to help combat rough patches and energize your body, mind and spirit? Stress is a key component to bad health. It can be linked to heart disease, metabolic disorders, obesity, and pre-mature death.  That is serious and it is important that we take action.  The beauty is that this is a very enjoyable Mission. You will find yourself finding pleasure in the practice of your Stress Relief - Sanity Solutions.
1) IDENTIFY: Define Your Personal Stress Relief -Sanity Solutions.  Write it (or them) down in your journal or on the “Sanity Solutions” Printable received in your morning email.  By defining your solution, you will be able to turn to it when stressful times arise and you will recover more quickly, re-energizing yourself and getting back on track.
2)PRACTICE: In order to get in habit of combating stressful times – reflect upon your Sanity Solutions and practice one of them each day.  You may find that you are more peaceful, productive and energetic because of it.  It does not have to be the same one each day; just practice any one of your defined solutions.
Everyone is different; therefore stress relief will come in diverse ways.  Some people like high intensity stress relievers. My husband for example, will go for a power lift or hill run to work through stressful days.  On the other hand, I would prefer a quiet moment alone to breathe deeply and do some gentle yoga stretches.  
I will share some ideas with you and you can choose to utilize them, or create your own. Personally, I am an avid Yogi and really enjoy the gentle relaxation that comes from the combo of a Pilates and Yoga inspired technique.  Read an earlier Blog Post that includes 5 simple steps to find relaxation – can be utilized anywhere, anytime:
Elizabeth Scott is a contributor to (a Medical Board reviewed site). She has written 2 great articles with a total of 50 Stress Relief Ideas.  Each idea has a link that explains it in depth. It is a great reminder that stress relief can come as simply as sharing laughter with a friend, taking a bath or playing games.  Check out both lists and allow it to inspire and broaden your Sanity Solutions List.

This week’s Mission may appear simple and seem of low intensity. The truth is Mission Eight is a keystone on our healthy lifestyle journey. If we can master our psyche and learn to help ourselves find inner peace and confidence, we can conquer anything! 
Best wishes this week and Namaste*
*Yoga Closing Salutation with a variety of meanings, the basic: “may all that is good and calm in my spirit, honor all that is good in yours”.

***Comment here that you received this Mission.
THEN Comment back here once Complete!

Not Yet A Member of The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous Online Group? Join us now by emailing  This group is a FREE support group of women working together to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

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