Friday, August 26, 2011

The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous MISSION TWO

Support, Benefits & Barriers

Becoming physically active for many is a difficult journey. Ideally, we would start off slowly, develop our fitness over time and it would stick as a lifestyle. But for many, we may start off very strong, and slowly fizzle out over time.  There are many reasons people want to be physically active.  There are just as many barriers that we find to restrict this journey.  Women’s fitness has evolved over the past few decades. It has risen above a socially abnormal trend, to something that is highly encouraged by doctors, schools, peers, family, etc.  Even with so much energy in the push for a fit nation and world, there is still MUCH work to be done.  This comes through education on the importance and benefits, developing a support system, as well as determining barriers and the solutions to overcoming them.

According to many current (2010/11) case studies, more than 60% of American women are still not meeting the recommended amount of physical activity.  What is the recommendation? ~ The Surgeon General recommends that every healthy adult participate in 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise most days of the week (5-7days).   Twenty-Five percent of women do not get any physical activity at all.  Yes, these numbers have dramatically improved in the past few decades, but we can always do better.  Let’s make an impact and invite some more wonderful women to this group and be active.  The more we can educate, encourage and inspire ~ the better we all will be!

Building your SUPPORT System:
1) SUPPORT~INSPIRE & INVITE:  It’s time to start recruiting for your team. Send a personal invite to a select (or any) group of women in your life.  Invite them to join you (and us) on a mission to stay fit, healthy and fabulous!  Send them the email address ( and/or Facebook Page info.  Email her, tell her in person, Facebook, etc. the following women in your life (be sure to get someone from each category, but it is definitely not limited to these):

* A family member – maybe your Momma
* A Person from your Social Life
* A Co-Worker / Neighbor
* Someone you haven’t seen in a while (old friend, family member, etc).

Tell these wonderful women the benefits of working toward a healthy lifestyle and how staying connected with others on the same mission, keeps us all on track!  This not only spreads the love of healthy living, but also helps you build a solid support system. The more people with similar goals that you bring around yourself, the more likely you are to stay on track. If they agree with you, be sure to let me know who you brought on board (you will get 5 Participation Points per person). 

BENEFITS of Physical Activity and Living Healthfully:

One of the barriers mentioned in many studies is the inability to see the benefits of physical activity. To those of you who are already active, it may be hard to imagine that this is possible… But many women do not realize the importance and life improving benefits.  There are many physical, mental, social & financial benefits. The most commonly self-reported benefits (by women) include:  

Increased physical performance (beginner – elite levels)
Improved Psychological Outlook
Preventative Health
Lifestyle Enhancement
Improved Social Interaction

2) YOUR BENEFITS: Write the Top Three (or more) Benefits of being physically active, fit and healthy specific to your life.  Use the included PDF file (received via email with post link) – Fill it out & hang it near your Goal Sheet (from last week’s mission).  Having these benefits visible throughout the day, will inspire you to stick to your goals.

BARRIERS ~Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking down Barriers:

Barriers exist throughout life, and we can make choices when we come to them… We can decide to let them stop our path, causing us to either lose our way or establish a new route.  OR they can give us momentum by inspiring us to overcome them in new ways – breaking down the barriers that keep us from our goals.  The most common physical fitness barriers reported in healthy living surveys in studies of women include:

Time Constaints
Family Life
Poor Health Status
Low Socioeconomic Status
Lacking Knowledge of Fitness
Lack of Support/Motivation
Low Availability of Fitness Facilties /Lack of Access

The Hot Mommas were posed this question on our Facebook Page, the most common responses were similar to a few of the above and also included:

Climate Restrictions
Lack of Childcare
Snacking Habits
Fading of Initial Motivation
Loss of Interest

You don’t need me to tell you how to break down and eventually eliminate each of these barriers and those specific to you and your journey. Instead, we will start a discussion.  The more that we each participate, the more motivated we will keep ourselves, and all of those in this group of amazing women!

3) BREAKING BARRIERS:  Brainstorm your personal barriers, look back to your goal sheet last week.  Determine what will be your biggest challenge(s). Post a Comment here on the blog (or on our Facebook Wall) that includes your barrier(s) (even if you mentioned them before).  Then write a possible solution. Please support each other by writing ideas on overcoming those written by other Hot Mommas, as well as your personal experience at breaking them down in the past. This discussion will be ongoing throughout this upcoming week, so please check back  regularly to join in on the discussion.

Continuous Support, Knowledge and Encouragement are key to the energy of our program and the achievement of our individual goals. By creating a support system, we are putting ourselves on the path of least resistance to success.  We can be a beginner or a pro athlete, when it comes to working on our fitness goals, there are bound to be ups and downs. When we have a plan and support, it is wonderful to share our achievements as well as get an occasional  boost from others who have walked in the same sneakers!  Good Luck this week J

***Comment here that you received this Mission. THEN Comment back here once you have:
1) Enlisted Your Support Team (invited your group of women to join you)

2) Wrote Down Your Personal Benefits of Healthy Living

3) Commented or Posted your Top Barrier(s) to being Active + how you will overcome

 The more you comment, the more Participation Points you earn + the more you help and inspire yourself and others!

Not Yet a Member of The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group? Join TODAY! Email with your name and email address to join the fun & receive all of the downloads, info, etc!

Follow us on Facebook
“LIKE” The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous

Monday, August 22, 2011


Are you tired of your old abs routine and are you looking for something new that will bring variety along with improved fitness levels? Core training does not have to be limited to countless crunches. Core exercise and abdominal toning can be combined with many exercises and can be found in everyday activities. Walking on uneven ground or through a crowded hallway requires balance and core muscles to help you stay on your feet. Holding a bag of heavy groceries in one hand while you fumble with your keys, children, etc. in the other, requires a unique design of stability muscles. We use our balance and core daily, but there are ways to improve those areas that can greatly enhance our everyday life.

What is the CORE and what are the “Abdominal Muscles”?

The core muscle group is usually referred to the muscles located in the trunk of the body (Abdominals, Lower Back, Glutes (the buns), Hips). This discussion will focus on the abs.

There are four main muscles that complete this group; the rectus abdominis, the external oblique, the internal oblique, and the transverse abdominis muscle. Your rectus abdominis is the most commonly known and used muscle during core exercises. Crunches are very effective for isolating the work to this muscle.  But since this is pretty basic, here is one of my favorite Rec Abdominus exercises.  Pilates Hover Plank ~ Start on your elbows and knees (slightlty behind your hips), engage your abdominals and hold the position for 10-60 seconds (build up over time). For more difficulty – straighten legs out until you are on your elbows and toes.  For the Pro – Lift one foot part of the time and then the other for the other half of your countdown J.

Level One - Gentle Plank Hover

Level Two - Plank Hover

Level Three - Pro Plank Hover, Lift one Foot
The external and internal obliques run in a diagonal line to the abdomen. Both sets of oblique muscle aid in rotating the trunk and bending the trunk to each side. Bicycle Abs ~ Laying on your back, touching the left elbow to the right knee and then rotating your trunk so the right elbow touches the left knee is a great way to work both sets of obliques. If you are a beginner or have lower back problems, a modification is – place one foot on the floor while you lift the opposite toward your elbow.  Any Rotational movements create the most work for this muscle group.


Lastly, the transverse abdominis muscle runs horizontally to the rectus abdominis and is the chief muscle of forced oxygen expiration and is most effective in holding the abdomen flat; think of the concept “belly button to spine”. This abdominal flattening, forced expiration and other bodily fluid removal :/ are the main functions of this muscle.   Zipping up ~ This is an exercise that you can do all throughout the day – at your desk, brushing your teeth, in the car, anywhere!  Start laying down, seated or standing (all have the same effect). Simply engage your abs, imagining that you are zipping up a tight pair of (skinny) jeans. Now, while you do this, continue breathing normally.  Hold the squeeze for 10-60 seconds.  You should feel as though your belly button is moving inward (to spine) and upward (to your chest). 


In addition to toning your body there are many other physical benefits to strengthening your core, in particular, your abs. Lower back pain can be eliminated through core development exercises. This can also be improved by taking the time to practice good posture throughout the day. By keeping your spine aligned, shoulders relaxed, and engaging the traverse abdominis in your breathing pattern, your core stability can dramatically improve.

With a strong core your fitness abilities and performances will increase also. If you enjoy biking, running, or weight lifting, you can find yourself enjoying those activists longer. By improving your core and stability muscles you will find all activities become easier and better.

Core (and Ab) Strengthening Classes you may Enjoy:

In addition to traditional strength and cardio classes, Yoga and Pilates focus most of their exercises around the core muscle group.

Yoga: A yoga class is specifically designed to help you gain strength and stability within yourself. Whether it is spiritual strength or improved balance, yoga instructors can assist you in finding that common balance between strength and relaxation while enhancing your core muscles.  Not only will you gain improvements in core stability but also in flexibility which is also important in improving your overall wellness.

For more info on Yoga Classes check out:

Pilates: Pilates involves exercises that develop flexibility, strength, endurance, and coordination. Each class follows a specific routine, with exercises following on from one another in a natural progression. Most classes offer beginner level exercises that provide enough variety for advance levels. Pilates is a great way to sculpt your core without doing all the extra crunches. Future Blog posts will get into an in-depth discussion of the Pilates technique.

Look for more Blogs to discuss other parts of our Core, as well as offer other exercises to try!

PERSONAL SAFETY NOTE: Please only engage in physical activity under the permission of your physician. These exercises explained above are only ideas, not specific recommendations. You (and your DR) are the judge of your fitness level, health status and abilities. Keep your body safe. Fit Fancy and Free (and writer Jennifer Jens) is not responsible for any injury or health changes that occur.

Check out the Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group on FACEBOOK .  Like us there, and if you want to join the group email It is free - just a bunch of fabulous women supporting eachother in our healthy lifestyle journey!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous SLACKER FREE SNACKING

Everyone is off to a great start! I am so proud of you all for jumping in to your mission and hitting the trail to healthy living with fit and fabulous energy!  Keep those comments coming, they help you and others to stay on course.  Today’s topic is not an official mission – just an extra incentive to sticking to your plan…
Snacking happens for a variety of reasons: the need for an energy boost between meals, cravings, boredom, stress, socializing, etc…  Make a conscience effort to make our snacks purposeful.   Becoming aware of what we consume and its effect on our body and goals, really helps to ensure we make good choices.
In order to keep our metabolism pumping evenly throughout the day, a couple healthy snacks are essential.  It is much better to keep an even energy flow between meals, than to allow yourself to get hungry and overeat at meal times.  Good snack ideas include foods that are high in fiber, and include protein and low sugar and sodium.  Choose snacks that will give you sustainable energy instead of ones that fulfill a craving for the moment.  Don’t get me wrong – it is okay to splurge every now and then to enjoy life and something delightful.  After all, why are we doing this anyway? To suffer our way through another quick, failed diet – NO… we are changing our habits to make them life-long, healthy lifestyle adjustments.
How are we going to help ourselves with this idea of purposeful snacking??? SLACKER FREE SNACKING! This method is a Hot Momma trick that will keep us all on track.  Each time you pick up a snack, stop and think about why you are consuming it… is it because you are truly hungry and in need of an energy boost from a healthy option between meals?? If so, proceed. ……If not, and you decide to indulge anyway … THEN you owe yourself some cardio (ideally right then and there) the amount of seconds matches the amount of calories consumed (or about to be consumed).  For example, a Magnum Ice Cream bar = 270 calories, so that equals  4 minutes & 30 seconds of cardio (just a random example – I surely don’t know this right off the top of my head J).  This cardio can be jumping jacks, jogging or marching in place, walking the stairs, hops, walking swiftly along the hallway… whatever you choose.   It is best to do it right then – yes, right then.  Even if your indulgence is a Venti Frappaccino at Starbucks… quietly excuse yourself to the parking lot to get it done… hmmmm… makes you think – right?  
Try this a few times, and then start to realize just how expensive snacking can be…  Don’t be fooled, this “second matching cardio” does not actually burn off all of those calories – it just causes us to get some extra good out of our indulgence.  In order to burn off those 270 extra Magnum Ice Cream Bar calories, you would actually have to do about 30 EXTRA minutes of moderate exercise (for the average woman).  Interesting…

If you don’t know how many seconds you owe yourself, use this link (save it to your favorites):
Now, in order to help yourself remember to do this – print out the Slacker Free Snacking PDF (sent via email), cut it out, stick it to your fridge, cupboard, wallet, desk, etc…  make multiple copies if needed.
Have a Fabulous Weekend!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous MISSION ONE

Set Goals, Get Organized & Get Started

Good Morning Hot Mommas!!
Did you get your "Getting Started" Email Package today? Read Through your Welcome PDF & then take on this Mission!  If you did not recieve your package - send me an email at

1) SET GOALS: Set your healthy living goals.  Those who write down goals are far more likely to succeed. Print out your Hot Mommas~Fit and Fab Healthy Living GOAL SHEET (received via email pdf for those signed up).  You are even more likely to accomplish your goals, if you place this in a highly visible place (one you see multiple times per day). Another tip for successful goal setting is to share them. Tell someone about your plan – Post it on the Hot Mommas Blog Post if you are brave enough to have overwhelming support!

2)  GET ORGANIZED: Print out or save your Hot Mommas~Fit and Fab Workout Calendar. (also received via email for enrollees). Decide what is practical for your life.  You need to make this schedule based upon your current activity level, life, etc.

3) GET STARTED: There is NO better time than now to get moving – DON’T wait until tomorrow – your workouts begin TODAY! Go out (or stay in) and BE ACTIVE

If you are a Beginner or a Returner: Start off gently – ease yourself into working out by doing moderate activities (walking, bike, light toning exercises).
NOTE: If you are waiting for a medical release to exercise – this mission can still be completed by setting up your Calendar, and getting everything organized to get off to a great start!

If you are a Pro: Look at your current routine & see where you may need some tweaking.  Add in something new, increase your intensity level or amount of time spent with your workouts.

***Comment here that you received this Mission. THEN Comment back here once you have set your goals, workout schedule and have started rolling (i.e. At least one workout down). The more you comment, the more Participation Points you earn + the more you help and inspire yourself and others!

Here are some resources to get you started with your workout plan. Upcoming Hot Mommas Blog Posts will include many exercise ideas for you to add to your routine as well. 
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is the Gold Standard of Physical Fitness Guidelines in the US and the world for that matter.  They have many informational resources available. I have worked with (and for) ACSM for my entire career. I highly endorse their information. Here are a few video links that I feel may get your schedule on track. Although slightly cheesy J the videos do have good info!

For Help Determining Types of Cardio Workouts (Aerobic) ~ Check Out:

For Help Determining Your Intensity of Cardio Workouts ~ Check Out:

For Help Getting Started with Strength Training (Toning) Workouts ~ Check Out:

For Help Getting Started with a Stretching Routine ~ Check Out:

Not Yet a Member of The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group? Join TODAY! Email with your name and email address to join the fun & receive all of the downloads, info, etc!

Follow us on Facebook
“LIKE” The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous

Friday, August 12, 2011

Launching New Online Fitness Group - THE HOT MOMMAS ~ Fit and Fabulous!

The Fit Fancy and Free BLOG is launching a new online fitness group
The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous

Are you a fitness freak?? Are you a Beginner who needs direction?? Are you in need of a boost to get back on track?? Looking to get or stay fit, saying goodbye to fat jeans, muffin tops, and excess flab??  Looking for some advice, support and fitness friends?? WELL – then this just may be the group for you!  Join this online workout group to keep yourself fit and fabulous! You will also get the opportunity to encourage others along their fitness journeys as well.   This group is open to all fitness levels, age groups, genders, etc J.  You definitely don’t have to be a mom to join, you can be a “Hot Momma” at any stage of life!  This group is very inclusive and even has included guys in the past!
My name is Jennifer Jens, and I will be your host on this journey, and look forward to creating a group of great people all working toward a positive future of healthy living.  As a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, published healthy living researcher & writer, mother and military wife, I feel like I have a bit to share with everyone.  I love inspiring others to reach their full potential and achieve goals based upon hard work and a desire for a healthy lifestyle.
The Hot Mommas Workout Group originated in San Antonio, Texas.  It was originally a group of military wives who worked out 3 days a week together at Randolph Air Force Base.  We brought our kiddos to sweat it out in fun outdoor workouts.  Many of the members were not mommies, but all are “Hot Mommas”.  We became great friends through this process and built lasting relationships that will continue for a lifetime.  We started quite a buzz as we could be seen working out along the flight lines on Wednesday mornings… we were famous among the pilots as the “hot moms”!  We also created a stir at home, and found many of our husbands joining the group to get in on a great, unique workout program J.  This online group is an extension of the success we started in San Antonio and a way to spread the love of fitness camaraderie to all.  This online group may inspire you to get a workout group going in your area!
Here’s How The Hot Mommas F&F Group Works:
Join the Group: To join the group, email me at  Leave your name and your interest in participating.  Your email will allow me to get you all the exclusive group info, and add you to the group roster. Then also be sure you are a follower of Fit Fancy and Free Blog on Blogger (by Google).   Fitness Group blog posts will be emailed to you directly and also posted on Facebook for you to view and share if you like.  None of your personal info will be shared and you are not required to share details of your progress (if you don’t want to), just keep up by reading & commenting on posts. Your comments can be as simple as, “complete” for the goals /missions, etc. or as lengthy as you like!  This group will be run through Blogger to allow a great discussion board format, but not clogging up your FB messages or inbox.  You can view and respond as you like.
Every week we will strive toward our personal goals and special group missions + add in new exercise ideas to our normal routines.   There will be varied levels to the exercises and strategies that are given each week so it will be right for beginners, advanced workout gurus and everyone in between.
It’s simple; all you have to do is keep up with the Fit Fancy and Free – Hot Mommas blog posts and comment along the way to stay up with the group (these specific posts will be emailed directly to you).  There will be a fitness award at the end of the first 6 weeks to the person with the most participation. This person will receive a custom workout program, tailored to meet his or her specific needs, location, etc.  It can be a home (living room) workout, a gym workout, travel workout, pre-natal, post-baby, event training, etc…
You can join at anytime, but it is best to start at the beginning and get a head start!  You can participate as much or as little as you like – the more you do, the more you will find yourself enjoying life Fit and Fabulous J
If you decide to join us, a welcome and info email will be sent to you via email NEXT FRIDAY, August 19th.  That’s right – we are starting on a Friday – not a Monday. This will give you the weekend to get this underway and already have a jumpstart on the following week J.
This is not an entire fitness program - just an accessory, helpful guide, support system & motivational tool to be used in conjunction with your personal home workout program, gym workouts or personal training sessions.  Or if you are a beginner, this is a way to help you get started on your workout track to a healthy lifestyle.  This is a free program.  A great way to reach your goals! 
Email  to get started or to ask any questions!
First Mission – Grab a Fitness Buddy, enlist at least one other person to join you on this journey to a long term healthy lifestyle and fitness enjoyment!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Take a Breather – A Small Dose of Yoga Stress Relief

You don’t have to be a Yoga expert or even attend a class to gain the benefits of yoga breathing & relaxation.  The health benefits are amazing. Taking just a few moments from your busy day to simply focus on your breathing and stretch a few key muscles, will enhance your mood, energy and spirit. When we feel more relaxed, it instantly reduces our stress level (lowers heart rate, breathing rate and anxiety) & allows us to find more focus.   I am going to share a few, simple relaxation exercises that you can do anytime during your day to find a bit of inner peace.   I am writing about this to help others, but also to remind myself of the importance of taking a few minutes each day to just breathe.
Start in a seated position (on floor cross legged or in chair).  Put your hands together in a “prayer” position at the level of your heart, with your shoulders relaxed.
1) Spinal Alignment – Sit up tall with eyes closed, ears in line with shoulders. Relax your shoulders and soften your neck. Release any tension in the face by softening the jaw, and placing your tongue gently at the roof of your mouth.  Lengthen your back and sit evenly on each hip bone.
2) The Breath – The Yoga Breath is done in and out through the nose.  Begin to focus on this breathing as you slow the rate, feeling it expand your lungs more deeply with each breath.  Practice about 10 breaths allowing all stress and negative energy to leave you with the exhale and positive relaxation to come into your mind with each inhale.
3) Neck Stretches – Once you are feeling connected to your deep breathing, add in some simple head movements to relieve tension in the head, neck and shoulders.  With each exhale, gently release your chin toward your chest and with the inhale, reach it up to the sky (open your mouth).  Repeating about 10 times.
Then moving to the sides of your neck, allow one ear to fall toward your shoulder on an exhale. Then back to center on the inhale. Finally, stretch to other side with an exhale. Repeating about 10 times each side.
4) Final Deep Breath – Sit up tall, as you began with good spinal alignment.  Place hands on belly and begin to focus on your breathing again.  Deeply inhale, so that it feels as though your belly is expanding with air. Then relax, allowing the entire body to empty.  Repeat a couple of breaths. 
5) Final Thoughts – Finish your relaxation exercises with some quiet positive thoughts as you sit quietly with your eyes closed.  Remind yourself of the soft relaxation that you have created for your muscles and the energy you now have to conquer your day.
Thank you for taking a few peaceful moments with me…. NAMASTE

Birthday Party Cake Pops Fit for a Princess

My daughter loves cupcakes, cake pops, etc. So, knowing that she wanted a Princess theme for her 3rd Birthday Party, I took on Royal Cake Pops & a Regal Palace to display. What is a cake pop?? Well, I am new to this trend myself.  I was first introduced to the cake ball, which is a delectable combination of cake & frosting dipped in a hard candy shell.  There are many variations of cake pops, but I chose to do cake balls on lollipop sticks. It really wasn't difficult, just time consuming. If you are interested in learning how to make such a creation read the following…


Supply List:
* 2 Medium Paper Towel Rolls
* 2 Birthday Hats
* Rectangular Brick Shaped Box
* Smaller Brick Shaped Floral Foam (craft store)
* Scrapbook Paper 12x12 Sheets in various colors & patterns (craft store, Target)
* Embellishment Jewel Stickers (craft store)
* Ribbon
* Tulle (fabric store)
* Foam Board (craft store)
* Heavy Cardboard Presentation Board for bottom (craft store, office supply)
* Hot Glue
* Clear Packing Tape
* Staples for securing tulle
** Note: Sizes vary based upon how large you want to make your castle.

The Princess Castle was constructed out of a combination of cardboard, foam and scrapbook/craft supplies. I started with the assembly of the structure first. Using 2 paper towel rolls for the towers, I covered them in foil and 12x12 inch scrapbooking cardstock. Then, topped them with birthday hats wrapped in cardstock.  The Tower tops were raised up a bit by gluing them first onto used ribbon spools (covered with ribbon trim).

The rectangular portion was made from one cardboard box & one brick shaped floral foam (available at craft stores). For these, you can pick any sizes you like. They are covered in cardstock and decorated with ribbon, paper and embellishment jewel stickers (hot glued to secure).

Finally I took a large rectangular foam base and glued it to a large presentation board, covered it with tulle & glued the castle to it.  The foam base is necessary in order for the cake pops to stand up properly.  The birthday message is made from a pre-painted craft wood and scrapbooking stickers.  Tiny princesses were purchased at Target.


Supply List:
*2 Cake Mixes (one Choc and one Funfetti) – you can use one or two, depending upon the amount you need – This makes about 40 cake pops.
* 2 Cans of Frosting (any flavor)
* 2-3 Bags of Melting Chips (colored or choc) (craft store or grocery store)
* Sprinkles or candy
* Lolipop Sticks (craft store – baking section)
* Clear Treat Bags (small)
* Ribbon
* Extra piece of foam to hold cake pops as they dry (cover with plastic wrap in order to use multiple times)

My Royal Cake Pops were made from a culmination of tips from a large range of sources (my Aunt Debby, my awesome neighbor – Amy (cake ball master), a cake pop book, online blogs and instruction guides. 

I made chocolate and funfetti cakes from store purchased mixes. Two cake mixes yeilds 40-45 Cake Pops.  Follow directions on box and make in 9x13in pans.
Once completely cool, I used my food processor to shred each cake into fine crumbs.   I mixed an entire can of white butter cream frosting into the funfetti crumbs – it should be the consistency of a truffle center.  I mixed triple milk chocolate frosting into the choc cake crumbs.  Covered and put into fridge for at least an hour.

Once cool and slightly hardened, I made 1 ½ Inch balls from the cake/frosting mixes.  Placed on foil lined cookie sheet and refrigerated for at least another hour (overnight would work too).  Many places instruct you to freeze the balls, but they end up “sweaty” once the candy coating is applied. 

Once cool and firm, they were ready for dipping.  This is the trickiest part… best to do with no distractions (ie husbands, children, etc) J.

The next step is to melt candy coating of your choice (I used Wilton’s Pink and Purple Melting chips for the funfetti cake and milk chocolate Ghirardelli chips for the chocolate cake).  Melt according to directions on bag.

I took one or two balls out of fridge at a time (this will ensure they stay firm).  I first dipped the lollipop stick into the melted candy coating, then inserted the stick half way through the ball and dipped / spoon painted the candy coating over the ball.  Finally, I sprinkled with candy sprinkles, etc. I used shimmering “diamond” crystals. I immediately placed the cake pop into an extra piece of foam board (covered with plastic wrap so that it can be re-used). 
NOTE: The first few may be rough, but it will get much easier as you go along!

Once they are completely dry, I covered with small treat sacks and secured with ribbons.  Then I placed the pretty pops into the foam around the Castle and into the top foam brick.  Viola! A Masterpiece!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Starbucks ~ Getting a Good Deal on the Green Straw

Starbucks is a wonderful treat, addiction, guilty pleasure… but it can weigh heavily on your bank account if you find yourself rushing toward the green siren (logo) multiple times per week or even multiple times per day.  I am one of the many with this fabulous, yet costly addiction.  Since I am working on finding deals everywhere I frequent, I have decided to work on this one a bit.  Here’s a strategy I have figured out – maybe it can help you!
1) Get a Starbucks Rewards Card! I have avoided doing this for the past 10 years in order to somehow trick myself into believing that I don’t spend “too much” money there… It makes it pretty black and white.  BUT there are many perks that go along with the card.  
To get started all you need is a Starbucks gift card (empty or of any denomination).  Register it online at   There you can load, check balance, etc.  Once registered, it starts keeping track of your “visits” actually your purchases.  So, each time you purchase an item, you get a star.  5 Stars moves you up a level to earn rewards every visit like Free Syrup, Free Drip Refills, etc.  25 more Stars moves you up to the Gold Level – Free Drinks every 15, plus the previous benefits, plus more. Check out the site for more info.   You can get the iphone or Android app and transfer your card right to your phone (you can pay with your phone, update, load, etc).   You can load your card with your debit card, PayPal account etc. You can even set up a monthly allotment to be auto deposited onto your card (good and bad J).
So, the trick to getting more stars is to accumulate a lot of “visits” or purchases each time you get your usual items.  Take this past Sunday for example:  My family and I went there to enjoy a morning coffee date.  Purchase 1: Venti Iced Coffee – Pay, One Star.  Purchase 2: Tall Drip Coffee (free, I’ll explain later)  & a news paper – Pay, 2 Stars.  Purchase 3:  “Oh man, we forgot to get our daughter her kid’s juice” – Pay, 3 Stars.  Purchase 4: Refill the Venti Coffee (50 cents) for my husband to drink later – Pay, 4 Stars.
2) Utilize Drink Refills – You are allowed to refill any iced or hot drink with drip or iced coffee as long as you drink the first one in the store.  If you are a scammer like me, you may order the first Venti Iced coffee (as explained above), along with a Grande ice water (free) and enjoy part while at the store.  Then dump the remainder into the Grande cup, and send your husband up for a refill (50 cents) for him to drink later – healthier because he hydrated with the water already J.   Or you can always just refill your drinks to save for an afternoon energy burst as well.
3) Treat Receipts – All summer Starbucks offers Treat Receipts (expires 9/5).   Buy a coffee (or ANYTHING) in the AM (before 2) and then come back after 2PM for any Grande Iced Drink for $2.  Notice how many purchases I made in the above scenario? Well, each produced a treat receipt… You could take 3 of your friends out for cheap coffee in the afternoon J.   As you can guess, I ended up back at Starbucks in the afternoon for my $2 Grande Iced Mocha , add shot, with whip ($4.85 value).  Bam! 5 Rewards Card Stars in one day J
4) Save the Bags – Each bag of whole bean or ground Starbucks coffee in the grocery store has a “Return this bag for a tall drip coffee” on it.  Bring it in, order the tall coffee – go ahead and put a few pumps of mocha, some milk & whip in it and the “coupon” bag will take the entire amount off your order (supposed to be $1.50, but will take off anything that is added to the coffee as well).   Going back to the Rewards Card – if you are in the 2nd Level (only after 5 stars) you get a free Tall Drink (of your choice) every time you buy whole bean or ground coffee at Starbucks.
5) Look for coupons – Often you can find coffee coupons online ( or via email thanks to your Rewards Card for ground coffee, via packets, etc.

Note: I am not recommending that you start a new Starbucks Habit – this info is strictly for those who already find themselves in deep with the green straw addiction!  Enjoy J