Friday, January 6, 2012

Create Your Own Fit and Fabulous Journal to Healthy Living

It's time to take charge of your fitness goals! The New Year is quite cliche as far as turning over a new leaf... But I say, why not?? It is the perfect time to reset after holiday parties, treats, stress, celebrations, etc. It is the perfect time to renew yourself inside and out.

As part of a plan to find the New & Improved You - we will start with a tracking device. This is an essential piece of the puzzle that keeps us on track, helps us to stay motivated and ensures that we don't cheat ourselves out of our full potential. We are each going to build a Fit and Fabulous Journal to Healthy Living.  This can project can be as simple as picking up a gently used spiral notebook and converting it or as creative as scrap booking your own success story one beautified page at a time. All you will need is some type of notebook, binder or even a Blog to complete this project. Decide what method will be best for you and make this your own.The approach is up to you - I am just going to lay out some suggested chapters or components.

1) The Starting Point: In order to see our success, there must be a place where we began. It doesn't matter if you are already at your ideal weight, body, etc and trying to stay the course; you can still have a "starting mark" that shows you where you need to be.  To do this you can take your own set of measurements or use the "Healthy Living Survey" from my previous post:

I recommend putting a picture of yourself on this page. Show the real, organic you. A photo is a great tracking tool to see your transformation into a healthy, happy, beautiful person.

2) The Goals: Take time to write out your Short Term (12 weeks), Long Term (1 Year+), Health, Fitness, Nutrition Goals.  Write as many as you like. These will be frequently revisited to find motivation.

3) The Motivation Section: These pages can be simple or complex. Let your creativity flow. Let this section evolve over time - leave room.  Here you should write the people in your life that motivate you to make healthy choices. You may also list or depict inspirational people or things that will push you along the way.

4) The Success Sheet: This is your personal brag page. Every time you reach a goal, fit into a great pair of jeans, feel inspired, make good choices - give yourself a pat on the back by noting it here.  Also share your success with others - the more you share, the more you inspire not only yourself, but those around you.

5) The Check Up Chapter: This is a part of your journal that allows you to re-evaluate your goals, write down what is working for you along the way and what needs to change. Write down struggles and solutions. Every 12 weeks take time to perform a "check up". Retake your Healthy Living Survey, add another self portrait, set new goals, etc. Leave lots of space here. This is an ongoing project.

Those previous 5 Components are the essentials. There are many other ways to utilize your Fit & Fabulous Journal. You may also want to:

* Include a Dietary Log - you can keep track daily or from time to time of your intake. This may be as detailed as an exact calorie count on each item consumed, or it may be a general evaluation.

* Include an Exercise Schedule / Log - schedule your week and track your progress with your program.

* Keep a wellness diary - You can write daily insights on your progress, motivation level, etc. This can be eye opening and motivational.

NOTE: If you would like a PDF version of any of the Logs, etc. Email me at

Make this project your own. This is not a quick, DIY project to tuck away in the drawer. Keep it in a visible place. Read through it, add to it, draw inpiration daily.

Make a difference Today! Get started on your journey right now!

Happy New Year ~ May it be Blessed, Healthy and Full of Joy


If you are not yet a member of The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group - Join today by emailing, and/or clicking "LIKE" on our Facebook Page: The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group.


  1. Love this! I was just thinking the other say I needed to starts tracking my activities. Im starting mine today!
