Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Tummy Tuck Twenty

There are so many opportunities to get in a bit of exercise throughout the day.... We can park further away or choose the stairs. We may do a few lunges while we make dinner. This week let's work on a specific area that takes no special equipment, postions or movement and yields fabulous results with practice! 

The Tummy Tuck Twenty is no surgical cure for our muffin tops!  It is a simple method of toning our mid to lower abs, flattening our tummies over time.

Here is how it works:
While seated or standing, draw in your abdominals. Feel as though you are squeezing into your "skinny jeans" and pull your belly button inward and upward. Hold this muscle squeeze (isometrically) for 20 seconds. Release and repeat throughout your day.  Do NOT hold your breath while you do this - the focus is on the abdominal muscles only. The Tummy Tuck Twenty works by building muscle tone in your rectus abdominus (middle abs) and helps to keep the belly toned and tight. 

There are so many easy times to get these in. Try it while you sit at a stoplight, brushing your teeth, standing in line, sitting at your desk, etc etc...Keep a tally and get in 20 Tummy Tuck Twenties each day this week!

Have a Fit and Fabulous Week!


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  1. A tummy tuck sure would be easier.... :)

  2. This is cheaper and I LOVE these. I do them ALL the time. While I don't look like the model in the picture it makes me feel better.

  3. I feel strongly about information you have shared and love learning more on this. I think it will be effective to work it out. Thanks
    Plastic & Cosmetic surgery

  4. Abdinoplasty or tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen more firm the surgery involves the removal of execs skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. This type of surgery is usually sought by patients with loose or sagging tissues after pregnancy and there are some procedures for doing tummy tuck during the surgery vary in scope and are frequently sub divided into categories depending on the extent of the surgery a complete abdominoplasty can take from 1 to 5 hours a partial abdominoplasty can be completed between 1 to 2 hours.
