Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Find Some Yoga Style Relaxation ~ Script for the Body, Mind and Spirit

Want some Yoga Style stress relief everyday? Try this final relaxation script to find the renewing the energy that comes from calming the body, mind and spirit. 
Find yourself a comfortable position. Such as "Savasana", laying down on your yoga mat, bed or comfortable surface.  This script can be read by your spouse, your friend, your workout partner, etc.  As you get used to the words, you will be able to go through the relaxation without needing the script.

“Close your eyes and allow your body to begin to sink into the mat. Allow your palms to fall open at your sides and all of your joints to become soft.

Quiet your thoughts and turn your focus to your breathing. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your nose. Feel you chest, rib cage and belly expand with each inhale. Feel all tension and anxiety leave your body with each exhale.

Begin scanning the body for any need for release. Start at your toes – feel each one relax and allow your feet to release the weight of the day.

Move up to your legs. Your knees are soft, your calves and thighs are holding no tension, relaxed and sinking into your mat.

Imagine your hips are loose and allow your belly to move freely with each breath.

Your arms are soft and long. There is no tension in your palms. They are soft and free of any negative stress or energy.

Pull your chin inward ever so slightly to lengthen the back of your neck.  Release your jaw, allowing your lips to part gently.  Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to keep this release.

Imagine the lines of your brow and forehead melting away as all of you facial muscles relax.

Return your focus to your breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth.

Relax and Renew”

Stay in this relaxed state for at least 5 minutes. When the determined time has elapsed, then the script reader gently states:

“Begin to gently awaken your body.

Wiggle your toes and fingers a bit, bringing energy back to your body.

Sweep your arms up overhead with one inhale and back down with an exhale.

Pull your knees toward your chest and hug them in for a moment.

Slowly open your eyes and become aware of your environment.

Begin to sit up slowly.

Sit quietly as you take few energizing deep breaths, feeling revived and refreshed.

Enjoy your day.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous - MISSION EIGHTEEN

Stay Merry and Bright 
this Holiday Week
There are 3 very simple tasks this week to help with our Holiday cheer and Post-Holiday pant size! 

1) Holiday celebrations are tricky, but stay the course by combating them with some daily cardio. This does not have to be an intense workout. Just stick with your normal routine + add in a few 5-10 minute intervals on your off day / missed workout days. You don't need to beat yourself up if you can't get in all of your normal treadmill time - this is tricky with family, friends, and celebration. Just doing these intervals (simple as doing extra stairs, walking around the block a few times, etc) throughout the day will energize your body, help with the calories and keep your sanity!

2) Keep yourself MERRY by doing something that brings you Joy. Take a few moments each day to yourself to ensure you keep things on track. Good mental health will lead to a more relaxed, more enjoyable holiday.

3) Finally, keep yourself BRIGHT by drinking plenty of water (~6-8 glasses per day). As we get busy, hydration sometimes gets forgotten. Keep your skin from getting dull and flaky, your body from getting run down and your mind from getting hazy - just by simply keeping your water bottle at your side!

Have a Joyous and Healthy Holiday!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It’s a Wonderful Life to be a Military Wife

Start this Song as you read this Blog Post.

It is a beautiful piece sung by the 

There are many amazing people in this world; I am so blessed to know quite a few of them. I would say the greatest understanding I have encountered in the past few years is the incredible strength, devotion and grace of military wives in this great country (and abroad).  There are many significant events that define a military wife as such: PCS-ing (moving), Deployment (separation), Reunions, etc. These events are each important in their own way. They create a sense of community, strength, determination, pride, family and love like no other events in life. I never thought I would be one of these women.  But when you say “I do” to a Staff Sergeant/Air Traffic Controller in the US Air Force, you are automatically inducted into this beautiful sisterhood and wonderful life.

The Life that is Ever Changing
As soon as you arrive at a new base, you know that you have a set amount of time to settle in, live your life and get ready to move on again. To many this may be an unsettling feeling. But to the military wife, it is the perfect time to meet your new friends and neighbors, to set up your new home and to unpack the china. When we first moved, I was in the mindset that we should leave the “fancy dishes” packed up and ready to move on… then I realized we cannot live our life that way, we will unpack the china and the crystal, we will set up our home and settle in everywhere we go. This allows us to make each new house a home. 
Military wives instantly have something in common, we know that we need to ban together to establish a sense of community. This happens nearly instantly. As soon as you arrive, there are women who are ready to help you with salon selection, child care, advice, friendship, etc.  These women become your family. You share holidays, birthdays, joy and sadness throughout the months and years in this new place.  These women touch your life in ways that you cannot explain.   2 years into my marriage to a now Air Force Officer / Navigator, I realized the significance of this. We packed up our life – leaving my career, family and friends and moved our growing family to a new life and Air Force Family in Texas. It was here that I really felt this sense of community for the first time and realized it is a force that cannot be broken. 
This all of course leads to yet another transition at the end of your stay at one base. It doesn’t matter if your tour has been 1 year or 5, the goodbyes are never easy. NEVER.  You start packing up your things, and allow unknown men to enter your home and wrap up your valuables with little to no care and throw them onto a truck to hopefully meet you at your new destination.  You then are at the moment that you have dreaded for the weeks and months since your assignment was announced. You must say a very tearful goodbye to these women who know you inside and out. You must have your children hug their best pals and playmates, explaining that you will meet again – this is just a “see you later”. That is the beauty of the Air Force, many times your paths will cross. This may not happen as soon as you wish, but with time it will happen. You drive away off on your new adventure and realize just how blessed you are to have these people in your life.

The Time Spent Apart
The Military wife knows the day will come when her best friend and husband will have to leave her side to travel to far away land. This time will be inopportune no matter how much preparation is given.  Life will go on, birthdays, anniversaries and holidays will be missed. Babies will be born, first steps will happen and recitals will be performed. There will be so many momentous occasions captured only on film for the husbands and daddies who fight for our freedom.  There will be tears of joy and tears of sorrow in this time of separation. But through it all the military wife stands strong, fierce and independent. She conquers everything from clogged drains to family tragedy. She is the lifeblood of our nation and she is the fighting force that pushes this nation’s military to succeed!
This time moves slowly at first and then suddenly reaches a plateau where this brave woman and her other half start to realize the honeymoon reunion is in sight. There is nothing more precious than this return. The days that proceed are full of wonder, anticipation and suspense. The wives are asked to keep the exact return date and time secret from everyone to protect the safety of the mission. She will dress up her children, make paper signs, and show up at the airport, the flight line, the military base and wait with the wonder of a child on Christmas morning. The greatest gift of all is the embrace that happens between husband and wife, father and child as the crowd parts and a family is made whole once again!

My Husband, LT Jacobus Jens - B-52 Navigator USAF
Capt. Aaron Bogart, Flight Doctor USAF

Capt. Chris Occhiuzzo - Pilot USAF

LT Hector Posada - Navigator USAF Surprises his son at School!!

Thank You
Thank you to all of the incredible military spouses in my life who make this all possible, and all of these brave women everywhere. My husband has served this great country for 12 years. In our 4.5 year marriage, we have moved three times, and I have made more amazing friends along the way than I can even mention. There is something wonderful  about extending the Christmas Card list as you move around the country.  To all of the strong, beautiful and remarkable women out there - You are never alone in this beautiful sisterhood.  Merry Christmas and know that you are appreciated and blessed.

Sarah and LT Josh Swann - Navigator USAF
Renee and LT Tim Humpal - Navigator USAF
Jessi and LT Craig Gilman - Navigator USAF
Wyrene and Johnny Ramirez - Navigator USAF

Give Your Lower Back Some TLC

Try This Daily Stretching Routine
Many people of all activity levels experience tightness and discomfort of the lower back. Low back pain can come from a variety of causes.  Often it is directly related to hamstring tightness.  This is due to the fact that part of the Hamstring muscle group connects into the back of our hip at our low back.  Try these stretches to help with that possible cause:
Before doing any of these stretches warm up your body by walking around or using the stairs for at least 5 min – you don’t want to go into a deep stretch with cold muscles!  Ideally you would do these 3 times per day to help with the discomfort.  If any of these stretches cause pain, stop and back off.  If your low back pain is from an injury or medical issue, you should consult your doctor before performing any of these stretches.

Hamstring stretches
Supine Hamstring Stretch –Start lying on your back. Use a towel or tight resistance band to place around your foot. Gently pull the foot toward your body allowing your hamstring to fully lengthen.  Hold each side for 30-45 seconds (a bit longer than normal) .  Hold the stretch at its strongest point, but stop before there is  pain.  Let your knee be soft, never locking the joint.

Seated Hamstring Stretch – Start in seated position and extend one leg.  Hinging from the hips, gently reach toward your toes. Again, hold each side for 30-45 seconds (a bit longer than normal) .  Hold the stretch at its strongest point, but stop before there is  pain.  Let your knee be soft, never locking the joint.

Lower back stretches

CAT/COW Yoga Poses – These yoga poses are great for lower back relief.  Start in an all fours position.  Round your back up into cat pose, dropping your head to look toward your knees.  Then move through center allowing your belly to drop toward the floor.  Move gently from one to the other at the speed of your breathing (inhale one, exhale the other).  Repeat for 1-2 min.

Child’s Pose – Another  yoga pose that compliments your low back care routine. Use this after Cat/Cow poses.  Stretch arms out as far as you can and allow hips to sink toward floor.  Open knees a bit for more comfort here.  Hold 45-60 seconds

Low Back Gentle Twist – Start lying on the floor with arms in a T-shape. Allow knees to fall very gently to one side while looking to the opposite.  Move into it gently.  Repeat on other side.  Hold each 45-60 seconds.

Chair Hip Opener – Begin seated on a sturdy chair. Bend one knee to 90 degrees, flex foot and place over opposite knee.  Lean forward gently until you feel a stretch deep in your hip/low back of bent leg.  Hold 45-60 sec.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pilates 101

The History, the Basics and Getting Started
Pilates, named for its founder, Joseph Pilates is not a new form of core strength exercise. It has been around since the early 1900’s.  Pilates found great success in his practice of 34 distinctive exercises. He also shared his findings and achievements with others.  Research, experts, instructors and practitioners agree that ten Pilates sessions will make you feel a great difference in your body. In about twenty sessions, you will see the results. In thirty, you will have a whole new body! As an instructor and student of Pilates myself, I feel that the results are truly life changing. I was skeptical at first, but the simple, beautiful movements allow your body to move and transform in ways you would never believe.
A Bit of History~
Joeseh H. Pilates born in Germany, suffered as a child from rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever. He became obsessed with his afflictions and ever more determined to overcome his difficulties.  He became an athletic teenager, and later studied Yoga and Karate. He merged his experiences into a series of exercises known as “The Method” or “Crontology”.  His precise series of exercises were designed to develop the body uniformly, correcting posture and revitalizing the body, mind and spirit. The laws of mathematics and physics were constantly followed in the development of his 34 classic exercises. The true aim of The Method is awareness of movement, mental focus and control without excessive force, thus creating a body that is healthy inside and out.
Wonderful Benefits ~
·         Breathing: Proper, Controlled Breathing ~ in through the nose and out through the mouth, purifies the body, reduces stress and builds endurance.  As a breathing pattern is learned and coordinated with the exercises, muscles are oxygenated more effectively.  With time breathing during the practice and in everyday life is enhanced and utilized more efficiently. Thus building greater endurance, energy and focus.

·         Core Strength: All of our body movements emanate from our core muscles (abdominals, lower back, oblique muscles, gluteus muscles, and intercostals). When these muscles are uniformly strong and trained to work effectively together, less stress is placed on the spine.  Also all activities are enhanced through greater strength, balance and power.  Coordination is improved also, which leads to greater success in athletic performance and everyday life.

·         Balanced Muscle Strength and Definition: Pilates helps to strengthen opposing muscle groups. When muscles are strengthened uniformly, it leads to more effective functioning. Also as one side gets stronger, the other side is encouraged to stretch to improve flexibility and vice versa. Take for example the muscles of your upper leg. The quadriceps on the front of your thigh and the hamstrings on the back, work together to flex and extend the knee. As they are trained in a balanced manner, all movements are improved and joint stability is attained.

·         Body Awareness: Kinesthetic awareness simply means knowing where your body parts are in space.  For example, as you sit here you may not be aware of what your abdominal muscles are doing. But Pilates will bring that into much sharper focus. Did you sit up straighter and pull in your stomach just now? Spatial awareness that comes from this practice improves core control, improves daily living and balance. You can imagine that it would also help prevent injuries and falls.

·         Mind over Muscle: Learning to work through the exercises with a mind-body connection, allows the body to perform the most amount of work with the least amount of effort. Sounds great –right? This application of mind-body connection also is known to reduce stress in everyday life.

·         Health: Disease prevention is achieved by training the mind along with the body. If the mind is trained to listen effectively to the body’s needs it is often more capable of identifying and dealing with the stresses in life. This simple act of stress reduction has been proven through medical research time and time again to prevent many types of chronic and acute diseases.

Who does Pilates Benefit?
Pilates can benefit anyone who is willing to take the time to integrate it into his or her workout schedule. Men, women, young and old can find benefit in this practice. Core strength helps athletes to perform more effectively at all levels. It also aids in prevention of injuries and illnesses in everyone. Stress relief is associated with Pilate’s exercises, and a mind-body connection can help you to become more productive in all aspects of your life. Why not check out a class today? Check with your health club for a Pilates mat class or search your local area for a Pilates Reformer class.

What to know before joining a Class ~
  • What shall I wear?  Answer: Workout wear that allows free movement. No shoes or socks are necessary. This allows for better contact with the mat. Integrating the natural base of support created by your feet.  All of this allows comfort as you move through the exercises.
  • What should I bring? Answer: Bring your own Yoga or Pilates style mat. You could possibly borrow one from the studio you attend. It is important to have a mat with a moderate thickness to allow for comfort. If you plan to attend classes on a regular basis, I recommend purchasing your own for sanitary and convenience reasons.  Also bring an open mind. Remember that opening your mind to new information is the first step to achieving your goals. Trying new things can enhance your life in many ways. Stress is often eliminated through the connection found between your mind and body. Allow this to happen, and find the essence of Pilates for you.
  • Listen up! Listen for options. Most of the exercises will be shown with a variety of intensities. Listen to the options and decide what is best for your body.  Remember that everyday will be a bit different for your body. Some days you may find yourself moving up or down a level based upon your mood, energy or connection to the class.  Listen to your body. It is true that anyone can benefit from Pilates if it is done in a safe and effective way for your own body. It is very important to listen to the needs of your own body throughout the class. If you need a break or a change in position, do so. It is far more important to care for the body than to push it beyond its limits.
  • Be a good student. Arrive early and meet your instructor. Tell him or her about any injuries or special concerns you may have. This will allow him or her to describe modifications if needed throughout class. Don’t worry, you won’t be singled out, this will be more of a general recommendation/option.
  • Release. Learn to let go of anxiety and competition. Allow your body to move at its own pace. Never allow a competitive nature to take over and push you to injury. Allow your thoughts to center on the class and the way your body is feeling. For the hour or so, allow all other worries and anxieties to leave you and take this time to better your body inside and out.
Enjoy your new Pilates workout!
What is a Pilates Mat Class? For info on getting started, check out this link:
Looking for info on the Reformer and what to expect in a Reformer studio Class? Read more here:
Looking for a home workout to incorporate into your routine? Check out this awesome book. I love it because it is accurate and gives multiple levels. It uses great illustrations and is very thorough, yet straightforward:

Blog Sources: Siler, Brooke. “Pilates-Body Strengthening, Lengthening…” 2000.
Powers. “Exercise Physiology – 5th Ed.” 2004.
 NETA Pilates “Instructor Handbook”. 2001

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous - MISSION SEVENTEEN

Spread Some Holiday Motivational Cheer!

This Week our mission is to continue with our Christmas Countdown Exercises:

Plus - Share some Holiday Motivation! Do this by emailing one (or more) of our Hot Mommas, Posting a Message to her on our Facebook Wall or Private Messaging her. Pick anyone on our email list or Page Friend List. This Hot Momma doesn't have to be someone you know... Just send her some holiday message that is motivational to staying on track, a healthy recipe or tip. It doesn't have to be lengthy - just let another Momma know that you support her on this Healthy Living Journey!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Countdown Fitness Challenge! ~ Mission Sixteen

It’s the Christmas Countdown Challenge. Every day you have an extra fitness challenge. Do this in addition to your workouts. Do it first thing to be sure not to forget. Remember “…He see’s you when your awake… you better be good for goodness sake!”There are 23 days left… Start Today!!

Friday Dec 2nd = 23 Push Ups
Saturday Dec 3rd = 22 Lunges Each Side
Sunday Dec 4th = 21 Jumping Jacks
Monday Dec 5th = 20 Extra Minutes of Cardio
Tuesday Dec 6th = 19 Squats
Wednesday Dec 7th = 18 Chair Dips (Triceps dips)
Thursday Dec 8th = 17 Hops
Friday Dec 9th = 16 extra ounces of water (replace a high calorie beverage)
Saturday Dec 10th = 15 second Plank (on elbows and toes/knees)
Sunday Dec 11th = 14 Power Skips
Monday Dec 12th = 13 Deep Breaths Throughout the Day
Tuesday Dec 13th = 12 Side Arm Raises (hold soup can or stapler for extra resistance)
Wednesday Dec 14th = 11 Extra Ab Crunches
Thursday Dec 15th = 10 Extra reps of one lower body exercise
Friday Dec 16th = 9 Stretches
Saturday Dec 17th = 8 Flights of Stairs
Sunday Dec 18th = 7 Positive Thoughts about Your Body
Monday Dec 19th = 6 Healthy Recipe Options for Holiday Cooking/Baking
Tuesday Dec 20th = 5 Minutes to yourself to reflect or meditate (Stress Reduction)
Wednesday Dec 21st = 4 Wall Sits
Thursday Dec 22nd  = 3 Walks Around your Building or Block
Friday Dec 23rd  = 2 Extra Sets of Strength Training (any exercises)
Saturday Dec 24th = 1 Extra Mile of Cardio

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous ~ MISSION FIFTEEN

Making a List and Checking it Twice (or more)
The Holiday Season if officially here! There will be plenty of distractions to get us off track from our fitness goals, routine and healthy habits.  The trick is to be prepared for this to happen.  Just like you will be making lists of gifts to buy, recipes to make, Christmas card recipients… Make a list of your fitness options. You can refer to this list when you find yourself falling off track or short on time and ideas to get in a good workout.
The mission this week is simple – fill out your Hot Mommas Holiday List and hang it with care where you can see it daily. Your list is meant to be a quick reference and reminder that you have great options and there is always a way to fit in some Fitness to your busy schedule!  You can make your own list or print the PDF that you recieved via email with this blog link. Your Personal  List includes: 
Cardio Workout Options – What are your choices? Examples Include: Treadmill, Bike, Elliptical Trainer, Running outside, Take a class, etc.
Quick Cardio Options – Ways to get in cardio when you can’t get to the gym, the street, etc. Do these things throughout the day in small increments, and even though your workout may be broken up a bit, you will still be burning calories and increasing your energy.  Examples Include: Stairs, Jumping Jacks, Jump Rope, Power Walking (try this while shopping), etc.
Body Toning Options – What are your choices when it comes to body toning? Examples Include: Free Weights, Machines, Bands, Body Weight Exercise, Personal trainer meeting, Group Exercise Class, etc.
Quick Toning Options – These are options for you when you cannot get in your regularly scheduled routine. The more you do, the more it adds up throughout the day. Examples Include: Push ups (on floor or at the wall), Lunges, Chair Dips (Triceps Exercise), Squats / Wall Sit, Abs, etc.
note: the examples are just that, add whatever you like to your list!
Hang your list with care and refer to it daily. Be Fit and Fabulous this Holiday Season!

Not Yet a Member of The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group? Join TODAY! Email hotmommasfitandfab@gmail.com with your name and email address to join the fun & receive all of the downloads, info, etc!

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