Friday, October 14, 2011

The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous MISSION NINE

Choosing Healthy Replacements
On the road to healthy living we are always searching for small things that we can to do keep us on track.  It is amazing to find that all of these small things actually pay off and end up helping  us to get to a positive end result.  This week I challenge us to make healthy replacements daily.  Replace bad (or not-so-healthy) actions/choices with healthy and active ones. 

The MISSION this week is to use one of the following Replacement Options every day for one week (and hopefully beyond).  You can mix it up throughout the week. Also, if you come up with a healthy replacement idea of your own, feel free to post it to our Blog or FB page.
The CALORIE ERASER Water Replacer: Replace One High Calorie Drink with Water per day! Research has proven that those who routinely replace high calorie juices, smoothies, sodas, alcoholic drinks, coffee drinks, etc with good old water tend to be healthier and have more successful weight loss.  Taking in liquid calories is one of the most common mistakes for those seeking to be fit and lose weight. Liquid calories (from sugar and fat) are sneaky and go down quickly. Most high calorie drinks are not actually replacing any calories that we eat, just complimenting them.  This is where we run into trouble. If you can replace just one of your indulgent drinks per day with an extra glass of water, you will be on the road to success.
The Commercial CALORIE BLASTER Break: Replace television commercials with a get up and move living room exercise.  Why not get in a few extra calorie burners / body toners during the commercials?? Here are a couple living room ideas – feel free to add in your own! (NOTE: be sure your body is warm before doing these. The first commercial break should be filled with some low impact cardio):
Jumping Jacks + Push ups Do 15 Jacks. Follow by 10 Push ups.  Repeat until your show is back on!  BEGINNER: Do Wall Push Ups – hands shoulder width on wall, feet walked out slightly behind body. PRO: Do one Jack, fold forward, hop your feet back and perform one push up. Repeat.
High Knees + Chair Dips Jog in place, lifting your knees high for a count of 15.  Follow by 10 Triceps Dips off the edge of a chair. Hands on the edge of a sturdy chair. Elbows point back, hips lower down and the backs of your arms (triceps) press you back up.  Repeat! Beginner:  Move body down slowly while supporting your weight with your legs.  PRO: Walk your feet further out from your body.  OR cross one foot over the opposite knee for more resistance.
The Snack Attack HEALTHY Replacement: Replace an unhealthy snack with an energy boosting, healthy choice. Snacking is a good thing for a strong metabolism, a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. It is just the choices and the timing of the snacks that makes all the difference in success or failure.  Replace one unhealthy (low protein, high sugar or high fat) snack with something that will boost your mood, energy level and metabolism.   Choose foods such as fruit/veggies,  low fat dairy, nuts/seeds, whole grains, etc.
Here is a great link to 100 Healthy Snacks under 200 Calories:

Have a great week ladies! Make your replacements count and you will see exactly how little changes throughout the day add up to create BIG results!

Hot Mommas: Comment Here or on the Facebook Link ~ Mission Recieved and Mission Complete.

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  1. Wow, somehow I missed this mission, but I am definitely doing the water one! Mission recieved.
