Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Take a Breather – A Small Dose of Yoga Stress Relief

You don’t have to be a Yoga expert or even attend a class to gain the benefits of yoga breathing & relaxation.  The health benefits are amazing. Taking just a few moments from your busy day to simply focus on your breathing and stretch a few key muscles, will enhance your mood, energy and spirit. When we feel more relaxed, it instantly reduces our stress level (lowers heart rate, breathing rate and anxiety) & allows us to find more focus.   I am going to share a few, simple relaxation exercises that you can do anytime during your day to find a bit of inner peace.   I am writing about this to help others, but also to remind myself of the importance of taking a few minutes each day to just breathe.
Start in a seated position (on floor cross legged or in chair).  Put your hands together in a “prayer” position at the level of your heart, with your shoulders relaxed.
1) Spinal Alignment – Sit up tall with eyes closed, ears in line with shoulders. Relax your shoulders and soften your neck. Release any tension in the face by softening the jaw, and placing your tongue gently at the roof of your mouth.  Lengthen your back and sit evenly on each hip bone.
2) The Breath – The Yoga Breath is done in and out through the nose.  Begin to focus on this breathing as you slow the rate, feeling it expand your lungs more deeply with each breath.  Practice about 10 breaths allowing all stress and negative energy to leave you with the exhale and positive relaxation to come into your mind with each inhale.
3) Neck Stretches – Once you are feeling connected to your deep breathing, add in some simple head movements to relieve tension in the head, neck and shoulders.  With each exhale, gently release your chin toward your chest and with the inhale, reach it up to the sky (open your mouth).  Repeating about 10 times.
Then moving to the sides of your neck, allow one ear to fall toward your shoulder on an exhale. Then back to center on the inhale. Finally, stretch to other side with an exhale. Repeating about 10 times each side.
4) Final Deep Breath – Sit up tall, as you began with good spinal alignment.  Place hands on belly and begin to focus on your breathing again.  Deeply inhale, so that it feels as though your belly is expanding with air. Then relax, allowing the entire body to empty.  Repeat a couple of breaths. 
5) Final Thoughts – Finish your relaxation exercises with some quiet positive thoughts as you sit quietly with your eyes closed.  Remind yourself of the soft relaxation that you have created for your muscles and the energy you now have to conquer your day.
Thank you for taking a few peaceful moments with me…. NAMASTE

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