Friday, August 19, 2011

The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous MISSION ONE

Set Goals, Get Organized & Get Started

Good Morning Hot Mommas!!
Did you get your "Getting Started" Email Package today? Read Through your Welcome PDF & then take on this Mission!  If you did not recieve your package - send me an email at

1) SET GOALS: Set your healthy living goals.  Those who write down goals are far more likely to succeed. Print out your Hot Mommas~Fit and Fab Healthy Living GOAL SHEET (received via email pdf for those signed up).  You are even more likely to accomplish your goals, if you place this in a highly visible place (one you see multiple times per day). Another tip for successful goal setting is to share them. Tell someone about your plan – Post it on the Hot Mommas Blog Post if you are brave enough to have overwhelming support!

2)  GET ORGANIZED: Print out or save your Hot Mommas~Fit and Fab Workout Calendar. (also received via email for enrollees). Decide what is practical for your life.  You need to make this schedule based upon your current activity level, life, etc.

3) GET STARTED: There is NO better time than now to get moving – DON’T wait until tomorrow – your workouts begin TODAY! Go out (or stay in) and BE ACTIVE

If you are a Beginner or a Returner: Start off gently – ease yourself into working out by doing moderate activities (walking, bike, light toning exercises).
NOTE: If you are waiting for a medical release to exercise – this mission can still be completed by setting up your Calendar, and getting everything organized to get off to a great start!

If you are a Pro: Look at your current routine & see where you may need some tweaking.  Add in something new, increase your intensity level or amount of time spent with your workouts.

***Comment here that you received this Mission. THEN Comment back here once you have set your goals, workout schedule and have started rolling (i.e. At least one workout down). The more you comment, the more Participation Points you earn + the more you help and inspire yourself and others!

Here are some resources to get you started with your workout plan. Upcoming Hot Mommas Blog Posts will include many exercise ideas for you to add to your routine as well. 
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is the Gold Standard of Physical Fitness Guidelines in the US and the world for that matter.  They have many informational resources available. I have worked with (and for) ACSM for my entire career. I highly endorse their information. Here are a few video links that I feel may get your schedule on track. Although slightly cheesy J the videos do have good info!

For Help Determining Types of Cardio Workouts (Aerobic) ~ Check Out:

For Help Determining Your Intensity of Cardio Workouts ~ Check Out:

For Help Getting Started with Strength Training (Toning) Workouts ~ Check Out:

For Help Getting Started with a Stretching Routine ~ Check Out:

Not Yet a Member of The Hot Mommas Fit and Fabulous Online Fitness Group? Join TODAY! Email with your name and email address to join the fun & receive all of the downloads, info, etc!

Follow us on Facebook
“LIKE” The Hot Mommas~Fit and Fabulous


  1. I received mine! I'm leaving to go camping in a few hours, but when I get back I will set my goals and schedule. I am so excited!

  2. Excited to begin! :)

  3. Thanks for the getting started package!

  4. Got it will set it up soon! My first Yoga class is today, too (great timing)!

  5. Got mine! Woo woo! Wedding body here I come!

  6. Got mine and am so ready to get start! :)

  7. Received, printed, and getting started. Thanks!

  8. Here are my several goals:

    Short term: get a good workout and diet routine going that I can definitely stick to, keep with it even when I feel like throwing in the towel, and lose about 30 pounds

    Long Term: keep off the weight, keep my new lifestyle change going, help others with their own lifestyle changes as much as I can

    Obstacles: myself mentally (don't let me psych myself out and give up), back issues (I have rods fused to my spine to correct scoliosis and have limited flexibility and weak back strength)

    Things that will keep me on track: friends to stay accountable to, this Blog :), my husband (an Air Force physical traning instructor)

    People to help me: friends in my Mary Kay unit, husband, fellow bloggers :)

  9. Thanks, Jennifer!

  10. Haven't gotten mine yet but as soon as I do goal planning here I come.

  11. Got mine, printed it, and deciding on my goals so I can hang it up, and with plenty of time left to get it started tonight...

  12. Got it, wrote it down, discussed with work out buddy(husband), and found a picture with my goal body to put up around the house. Starting p-90X in 5 minutes.

  13. Goals Set!
    Big ones are; better snacking choices, more lean protein and smaller portions.
    Long term I'd like to lose 5-10 lbs and keep up my current work out regime

  14. Got mine! As soon as this baby gets here I can't wait to get started. Now to think of some goals...Thanks again Jen

  15. Set my goals and schedule, then got my first workout in last night. Put my daughter on her bike and my son in the jogging stroller and off we went. I thought I was gonna die during and after my run, but about 2 hours later I felt great. Today's a new day, let's see if I can stick to this and get another workout in this morning...

  16. Got a late start as work took over my Friday that had me going in several directions. BUT goals now set; workout has officially started this morning (will do extra tomorrow to catch up for that missed on Friday).

  17. Got it! Still can't jump in yet, but we may go for a light family walk after dinner tomorrow night. Will definitely be writing my goals down!

  18. Day 2 done-plete! Headed for the showers.

  19. My goals are set and I have one workout down!

  20. I got mine and I am starting tonight with a run! My lab puppy is going with me because she needs to release some energy also! :)

  21. Worked shoulders and arms last night, and today we get to do yoga. Yay!!!!

  22. Goals are set, went to the pool (aerobics tomorrow!), and am continuting to work out a schedule that I can stick with and not burn out on.

  23. Mission one has been completed!

  24. You Ladies are doing awesome! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to our group. Working our way to our goals of a lifetime of health and fitness is a very worthy cause! Keep those comments coming - Mission 2 will be released tomorrow morning :)

  25. got my goals set, am going to do "hot yoga" twice a week (90 min each) and on the other days will be doing cardio with weights. Did my first yoga class the other day!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Got it! So I'm a little late but I've finally been cleared by my doctor to resume all "normal" activity so I have printed out all the hand outs and blogs you've sent so far, put them in a super cute binder and set my goals! I find that having all the materials you give at hand and in said binder makes me a little more excited about it! So far, this week my goals are for walking with some jogging mixed in, yoga, and stretching. I may throw some weights in there too if I can get to the gym! :)
