Friday, August 12, 2011

Launching New Online Fitness Group - THE HOT MOMMAS ~ Fit and Fabulous!

The Fit Fancy and Free BLOG is launching a new online fitness group
The Hot Mommas ~ Fit and Fabulous

Are you a fitness freak?? Are you a Beginner who needs direction?? Are you in need of a boost to get back on track?? Looking to get or stay fit, saying goodbye to fat jeans, muffin tops, and excess flab??  Looking for some advice, support and fitness friends?? WELL – then this just may be the group for you!  Join this online workout group to keep yourself fit and fabulous! You will also get the opportunity to encourage others along their fitness journeys as well.   This group is open to all fitness levels, age groups, genders, etc J.  You definitely don’t have to be a mom to join, you can be a “Hot Momma” at any stage of life!  This group is very inclusive and even has included guys in the past!
My name is Jennifer Jens, and I will be your host on this journey, and look forward to creating a group of great people all working toward a positive future of healthy living.  As a certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, published healthy living researcher & writer, mother and military wife, I feel like I have a bit to share with everyone.  I love inspiring others to reach their full potential and achieve goals based upon hard work and a desire for a healthy lifestyle.
The Hot Mommas Workout Group originated in San Antonio, Texas.  It was originally a group of military wives who worked out 3 days a week together at Randolph Air Force Base.  We brought our kiddos to sweat it out in fun outdoor workouts.  Many of the members were not mommies, but all are “Hot Mommas”.  We became great friends through this process and built lasting relationships that will continue for a lifetime.  We started quite a buzz as we could be seen working out along the flight lines on Wednesday mornings… we were famous among the pilots as the “hot moms”!  We also created a stir at home, and found many of our husbands joining the group to get in on a great, unique workout program J.  This online group is an extension of the success we started in San Antonio and a way to spread the love of fitness camaraderie to all.  This online group may inspire you to get a workout group going in your area!
Here’s How The Hot Mommas F&F Group Works:
Join the Group: To join the group, email me at  Leave your name and your interest in participating.  Your email will allow me to get you all the exclusive group info, and add you to the group roster. Then also be sure you are a follower of Fit Fancy and Free Blog on Blogger (by Google).   Fitness Group blog posts will be emailed to you directly and also posted on Facebook for you to view and share if you like.  None of your personal info will be shared and you are not required to share details of your progress (if you don’t want to), just keep up by reading & commenting on posts. Your comments can be as simple as, “complete” for the goals /missions, etc. or as lengthy as you like!  This group will be run through Blogger to allow a great discussion board format, but not clogging up your FB messages or inbox.  You can view and respond as you like.
Every week we will strive toward our personal goals and special group missions + add in new exercise ideas to our normal routines.   There will be varied levels to the exercises and strategies that are given each week so it will be right for beginners, advanced workout gurus and everyone in between.
It’s simple; all you have to do is keep up with the Fit Fancy and Free – Hot Mommas blog posts and comment along the way to stay up with the group (these specific posts will be emailed directly to you).  There will be a fitness award at the end of the first 6 weeks to the person with the most participation. This person will receive a custom workout program, tailored to meet his or her specific needs, location, etc.  It can be a home (living room) workout, a gym workout, travel workout, pre-natal, post-baby, event training, etc…
You can join at anytime, but it is best to start at the beginning and get a head start!  You can participate as much or as little as you like – the more you do, the more you will find yourself enjoying life Fit and Fabulous J
If you decide to join us, a welcome and info email will be sent to you via email NEXT FRIDAY, August 19th.  That’s right – we are starting on a Friday – not a Monday. This will give you the weekend to get this underway and already have a jumpstart on the following week J.
This is not an entire fitness program - just an accessory, helpful guide, support system & motivational tool to be used in conjunction with your personal home workout program, gym workouts or personal training sessions.  Or if you are a beginner, this is a way to help you get started on your workout track to a healthy lifestyle.  This is a free program.  A great way to reach your goals! 
Email  to get started or to ask any questions!
First Mission – Grab a Fitness Buddy, enlist at least one other person to join you on this journey to a long term healthy lifestyle and fitness enjoyment!


  1. Jen, Thank you so much for this! I am so excited to get started. I miss our morning walks and feel desperately out of shape. Jon and I were just talking about trying to work together to jump start our exercise routine. I know this will be such a great tool to keep me/us motivated and accountable.

  2. I'm so excited to start this! Two more weeks and I can jump on the exercise band wagon to get my post-baby body back for good! Until then, gotta work on my eating habits. Will we have some nutrition advice too? Pretty please? That's where I need help for sure, especially after eating for "two." I miss our morning walks and challenging workouts (cursing you under our breaths at times...what? know we all did!). Love you Jen!

  3. Thank you all for participating in this exciting new group! I am very excited to launch our program on Friday morning :).
    Sarah - Yes, there will be nutrition posts. There will be a broad spectrum of healthy living topics discussed.

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